可能你是P图达人,雅思口语上电话里各种美图软件来touch up(润色)你的digital photos;可能你是运动狂魔(fitness freak),于是你有n种健身软件(例如Keep啦啥的),如果你被家长逼婚,dating App肯定少不了。如果你喜欢社交喜欢分享记录生活,social networking apps肯定占了你手机的大部分内存!Anyway,我们只需要在雅思口语考试时介绍一下他们有什么功能、对我们多有用、给我们生活添了多少乐趣就OK啦!
I'd like to talk about Wechat which is obviously a chatting APP, I've been using it for almost 5 years. At first, I just used it to replace text messaging, because it can send hold-to-talk voice messages, which is quite new back then, and also super convenient, especially when I tried to text my mom who's not really good at typing on the phone. It has a user-friendly interface, so even my grandma can use it to talk or video chat with me. But later on, it started to have all those features and functions, which are really handy in my daily life, and I've become increasingly reliant on this APP. I wish I could have my phone with me so that I could show it to you. For starters, it offers social networking services where I could post my updates and pictures for my friends to see, and I could also share interesting articles with my circle of friends. They could comment on my posts and respond each other by leaving a message below the posts. So you see, it's a great way to socialize and interact with friends. And my favorite function of all is that we can send lucky money packages in a group chat, and grabbing those packages could be really exciting, we don't do it for money, just for fun, you know. Um, on top of that, there are other functions that I couldn't live without, like paying the phone bills, checking the weather forecast, ordering taxis, booking train tickets, buying movie tickets or lottery tickets and transferring money. It's fair to say Wechat has made my life so much more fun and easier.
同理,我们也可以说weibo,这个Chinese version of Twitter,考官如果也喜欢发推,那他就会很有同感!我们顺便可以抱怨一下Facebook和Twitter在中国是被block的,but they have similar features and functions…… 而且追星族脑残粉们很喜欢的一项功能就是it connects celebrities directly to their fans and vice versa, and most celebrities do the tweeting themselves, which means we can send a message to them, and if we are lucky enough, they would probably read it. 突然之间你就会感觉自己跟偶像的距离又近了一些……