Clothes话题一直是雅思考官特别中意的,在第一部分真的是经久不衰。去年开始在雅思口语Part 2也出现了它的身影,逼我们来介绍一位“穿的好的朋友”。今年一月份的题库里又冒出来一道“Describe a piece of clothes that is given by someone”,很多孩子瞬间崩溃,这个年代送礼直接发红包了好不好!谁没事儿会送朋友衣服嘞?
木有关系啦,我们备考雅思的时候尽量把思路放宽一些,比如小时候,妈咪或者grandma肯定给你织过毛衣喽(knit you a sweater)!实在不行再小一点儿,妈咪为了哄你开心,肯定给你买过superman或者各种迪士尼princess的costume嘛是不是!长大一些后,管你是不是单身狗,你就跟考官说男/女朋友给你买了情侣装(matching outfits)行不行!所以放眼望去,人生的各个阶段都是有机会收到别人送的衣服滴!
Well, the piece of clothes I’d like to talk about is a gift from my boyfriend. It’s a black training tank top, with a big Nike logo in the front, and it came with a pair of matching running tights. You might wonder what kind of boyfriend would send those things to his girlfriend as a gift, but it was actually quite a sweet story.
The thing is, my boyfriend and I are not living in the same city currently, so we don’t have much time to see each other. And I wasn’t always like this. I used to be a lot heavier. And every time I saw him, I would just go on and on about how I wanted to lose weight and fit into the clothes I want to wear. But the truth is, I never actually acted on it, I mean, I always found excuses not to go to the gym, like “My schedules are so tight.” or “I don’t have anything fit to wear to the gym” or “It’s too boring working out at the gym all by myself.” and things like that. So I guess my boyfriend just couldn’t take it anymore, so he bought me that outfit, which is like a constant reminder. He said black is really my color, plus, I would look much thinner in black.
And he told me he bought the exact same outfit for himself as well, so every time I wear that top, it feels like he’s there with me. So I guess this gift is much more original than flowers and jewelry. And it really worked wonders for me! I lost 15 pounds in half a year.