大陆版剑桥雅思10真题听力 第8期:Test1(section3-2)
日期:2015-09-02 13:35


Basically because it looks like the rock pools you find on a beach. The top is made of glass so that you can look down into it.
And there's a stone at the bottom. Is that just for decoration?
Actually it does have a function. Instead of pushing a button you turn the stone.
So it's really just a novel way of starting the dishwasher.
That's right.
It's a really nice design, but what makes it innovative?
Well, I decided to make a dishwasher that uses carbon dioxide.
In place of water and detergent? How will you manage that?
The idea is to pressurise the carbon dioxide so that it becomes a liquid. The fluid is then released into the dishwasher where it cleans the dishes all by itself.
Sounds like a brilliant idea! Your system will totally do away with the need for strong detergents. So what happens once the dishes are clean?
Well, to allow them to dry, the liquid carbon dioxide and the waste materials all go to an area called the holding chamber.
That's where the liquid is depressurised and so it reverts to a gas. Then the oil and grease are separated out and sent to the waste system.
It sounds like you've thought it all out very thoroughly. So, what happens to the carbon dioxide once the process is complete? Not wasted I hope.
Actually, that's where the real savings are made. The carbon dioxide is sent back to the cylinder and can be used again and again
What a terrific idea. Do you think it will ever be built?
Probably not, but that's OK.
Well, I'm sure a lot of positive things will come out of your design.
