大陆版剑桥雅思10真题听力 第3期:Test1(section1-3)
日期:2015-08-24 14:16


Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 7 to 10.
Now listen and answer questions 7 to 10.
So how many days are the trips and how much do they cost?
The first one I told you about is a self-drive tour through California which lasts twelve days and covers 2 020 kilometres.
The shortest journey is 206 kilometres and the longest is 632 kilometres. The cost is 525 pounds per person.
That includes accommodation, car rental and a flight but no meals.
OK.And the other trip?
That lasts nine days but you spend only three days on the road. You cover about 980 kilometres altogether.
So is that cheaper then?
Yes, it's almost a hundred pounds cheaper. It's 429 per person, which is a good deal.
So that covers accommodation and car hire. What about flights?
They aren't included. But these hotels offer dinner in the price.
OK.Well, thank you very much. I'll be in touch when I've had a chance to look at the brochure.
I'm pleased to help. Goodbye.
Goodbye.That is the end of section 1. You now have half of a minute to check your answers.
Now turn to section 2.
