日期:2015-03-26 17:45


  America is the largest economy in the world, followed closely by China.
  描述如今全球经济现状,就是下滑低迷状态,距离复苏还有好几年时间。The world economy is in recession and it will last some years before it can recover.
  中国经济的快速发展,为社会积累大量财富,也为国家赚取大量的外汇(foreign exchange),这些都非常有利于一个国家的发展,和人民生活水平的提高。
  The vigorous economy in China helps to accumulate a great deal of social fortune, and earns large amount of foreign exchange, which will facilitate the rise of people’s living standards and the development of a whole country. (which在此处引导非限制性定语从句,代前面整个句子,很多学生定语从句中限制性从句用的很熟,但是对于非限制性的却很陌生)
  China has accelerated its development at 8% per year, in recent quarters, however, the pace has been slowed down, which indicates China has shifted it top priority from pursuing development speed to sound growth.
  If the economy develops soundly, more job opportunities will be created; if not, unemployment rate will rise. And the unemployed population accumulated annually will trigger a chaos eventually.
  GDP每下降一个点, 社会就失去800万个就业岗位. 这个后果是像中国这样人口大国难以承受的.
  As the GDP decreased by 1 percentage, we will lose 8 million jobs, which cannot be easily afforded by a country like China with such a large population.
