建议:考生需要仔细研究评分标准。小作文7分,6分和5分的区分点在评分标准第一项task achievement 中有清晰的区别,即:好的文章需要有明显的趋势。我把趋势段放在了文中第二段。
Task 1 table
Word count: 163
Sample Answer:
The table compares changes in the number of cars manufactured in three different countries, namely, Argentina, Australia and Thailand in the years 2003, 2006 and 2009.
It is noticeable that the figure for Argentina increased considerably over 6-year period, whereas a significant fall in car output can be seen in Australia. Overall, Thailand had by far the largest number of vehicles in all three years.
In 2003, over 160,000 automobiles were manufactured in Argentina, and this figure rose to more than 510 thousand in 2009, an increase of 350,000. By contrast, although Australia produced the second largest number of vehicles (approximately 530,000) among three countries in the year 2003, the figures were the lowest in 2006 and 2009, with 345,000 and 225,000 respectively.
On the other hand, Thailand is a main producer in terms of car manufacturing. Nearly 80,000 cars were sold in the market, and this figure reached its peak in 2006, at approximately 120,000, but decreased slightly afterwards (below 100 thousand).
文章算新题,扣题最大的陷阱在于:development of society, 有些同学不管society,单单只写了对于个人的好处或者坏处,那就没有完全扣题,会进行一定程度的扣分。
Task 2
word count: 267
It is true that a growing number of people, especially those living in metropolitan areas, choose to be solo dwellers these days. In this essay, I will anaylse the potential driving forces of this phenomenon and discuss its bright side towards society.
There are two main reasons why more people live alone than ever before. The first main factor is the wealth generated by economic development enables people to afford daily expenses, such as housing, bills and medical care. However, in the past, people were more dependent on each other. For example, young adults might continue living with their parents even though they had found jobs. In addition to economic prosperity, the rise stems from the pursuit of the individual. For instance, many students choose to go abroad for further study and live on their own instead of attending local universities because those young solitaries reframe living alone as a mark of success.
In my opinion, the rise of living alone has yielded significant social benefits. One advantage is that solos tend to live in small apartments rather than in big houses. This means they are likely to live in relatively green cities rather than in car-dependent suburbs. In the long run, people living alone in cities may consume less energy and produce less pollution. Also, since they may experience loneliness, anxiousness and fears sometimes, they may spend more time on their work and tasks, which can greatly improve work efficiency and boost the economy.
In conclusion, although living alone is still in its earliest stage, I believe this social transformation brings us more opportunities than problems.
小作文:表格题:三个国家在2003, 2006 , 2009生产汽车的数量。
Recently years,more and more people choose to live by themselves,why? Is it positive or negative for the development of the society? 很多人选择独自生活,原因何在,对于社会的发展是有利还是有弊?
2014年9月27日雅思写作新东方网预测 (15题)
In some countries some school leavers are choosing to work or travel for a period of time between finishing school and attending university. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for school leavers' decision. Give your own opinion and reasons. Use your experience of life to explain it. 很多学生选择工作旅行一年再上大学,讨论间隔年的利弊。
2014年9月20/27日雅思写作新东方网预测 (20题)
Nowadays, sending children to a boarding school is becoming increasingly popular. Why is this case? Do you think it is a positive or negative development? 寄宿学校的原因以及利弊讨论?
An amount of people today change their career and place of residence several times during their lives. Is this positive or negative to development?很多人在一生中不断改变自己的居住地以及工作,是好还是不好?
1. 年轻人毕业后独立生活,不选择和父母生活在一起。
2. 年轻人结婚后独立生活,不选择和父母生活生活在一起。
1. 很多年轻人追求自由,渴望独立,毕业后选择独自生活,例如哥哥保罗,利好很多,具体而言,锻炼了自己生存能力,洗服,做饭,理财,家务等能力,可以想象,生存能力的锻炼及独立性的培养,对于未来的职业发展有利好。
2. 年轻情侣组建家庭不和父母生活在一起,幸福感会更强,因为夫妻享受二人世界,减少了和老人的矛盾。吃饭为例,饮食习惯和生活习惯不同,矛盾难免如果两代人一起生活,各自独立生活,减少了老人照顾孩子的负担,年轻人也享受了更多婚姻生活的自由。
首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 写作目的
二段:原因分析: 客观原因 +主观原因
首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 写作目的
It seems that numerous young adults, especially those university leavers or newly married couple, are fond of renting an apartment or establishing own families rather than sharing the same house with their parents. For many years, people have been pondering the pros and cons of encouraging youngsters to live alone without reaching any definite consensus. This essay aims to endeavor to explore the reasons why living by oneself is so popular and then investigate its merits and demerits.
university leavers 大学毕业生
live by oneself 独居
The most essential reason why some people like to live by themselves is that they deliberately chosen the lives they want to lead and are fully aware of the consequence, they dare to brave challenges only with a view of savoring free and self-supporting life that their hearts desire. Another reason is that many youngsters choose to pursue their academic or career dreams in strange cities and thus live away from their native hometown, in this sense, they have no alternative but to live on their own.
Many youngsters choose to pursue their academic or career dreams in strange cities and thus live away from their native hometown, in this sense, they have no alternative but to live on their own.很多年轻人在异国或者他乡追求学业或者发展事业,因此,他们只能远离故土。
They deliberately chosen the lives they want to lead and are fully aware of the consequence, they dare to brave themselves only with a view of savoring the free and self-supporting life that their hearts desire 他们深思熟虑地选择了自己渴望的生活方式,并且,愿意承担一切,仅仅为品味渴望的自由和独立。
To be sure, a number of benefits could be gained by opting for free lifestyle. The most glaring merit is that it is facile for young people to enhance their independence and temper their viability via living by themselves. More precisely, washing clothes, tidying up dorms and tackling crisis by oneself are the basic abilities one needs for his or her future life. Learning these skills at earlier age helps those who are in the formative years to face up to challenges later in their lives. Another merit deriving from independent life is that instead of living a stable and parasitic life in parents' home, those who prefer to live on their own could temper their interpersonal skills, money management, adaptability and viability. For example, I used to live alone in another city for short study time, I enjoyed that free and challenging life.
1. Those who are in the formative years 成长中的年轻人
2. Instead of living a stable and parasitic life in parents' home, those who prefer to live on their own could harmonize their marriage life, train their money management, adaptability and viability. 没有过一种稳定和寄生虫一样的生活,选择独立生活的人可以和谐婚姻生活,锻炼理财能力,适应能力,生存能力。
Instead of enjoying a stable and parasitic life in parents' home,a great many young adults, especially those cherish the dream of savoring the freedom, prefer to live on their own 没有过一种稳定和寄生虫一样的生活,很多的年轻人,尤其是哪些渴望自由的人,选择独自生活。
We have no reasons, however, to ignore the downsides triggered by separating from parents. First, some youngsters may easily lead a disordered or unwholesome life without sufficient care from their parents. To illustrate, most of the adults who pick up the adverse habits of playing on-line games,engorgement,overwork have experience of living by themselves. Also, there is a danger of the decomposition of family bonds if youngsters live far away from homes for a long time.
1. pick up the adverse habits of playing on-line games,engorgement,overwork 养成沉迷于游戏,暴饮暴食,过度劳累的习惯
2. the decomposition of family bonds 家庭纽带的分解
Overall, it is my stand living alone is a double-edged sword which can be used equally for good or evil, however, youngsters should be encouraged to temper their independence, viability and adaptability, choosing to face up to the challenges of living independently is one of the best strategies to obtain this objective.
1. is a double-edged sword which can be used equally for good or evil 是一把双刃刀,有利有弊
2. temper their independence, viability and adaptability 独立他们的独立性,生存能力和适应能力
3. is one of the best strategies to obtain this objective 是最好的策略之一实现这个目标
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