Task 1
柱状图常规思路, 难度系数较低。
Task 2
20140904: people can live and work anywhere they want to choose, because of improved communication technology and transport, do the advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages?
题目翻译:由于交流高科技化和便捷的交通, 人们可以去任何他们想去的地方工作和生活,你觉得利大于弊还是弊大于利?
Para 1: background information + paraphrase the topic + show your idea
Para 2: the advantage:
l Bring more chance to the development of the individual, eg the economical and career opportunities or the educational platform.
l The integration of the global promotes the mixed-culture which is beneficial for the development of the world for the offering of the more communication and the removing the barrier.
Para 3: the disadvantage:
l It might leave the recruiters that one is unstable and disloyal employee who choose to change the living or working place as he wish.
Para 4: Restate your thesis and summarize the points mentioned above.
A mounting number of people 更多的人
Industrialization 工业化
Advance at such an ever-accelerated pace 以前所未有的速度在进步
Free-of-charge communication apps 免费的通讯应用
Prospective 前瞻性的
Readjust 重新适应
Job hopping 跳槽
Self-motivated 自我激励
Dilemma 进退两难的境地
Give rise to 引起, 导致
Now people in many countries can live and work anywhere they choose with improved communication technology and transport. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 很多国家的人可以工作生活在任何地方,因为有了交通和交流技术的便利,是否认为利大于弊?(2009年雅思写作旧题重现)
1. Many parents these days work in other countries, taking their families with them. Do you think advantages of the development outweigh its disadvantages? 很多父母现在在异国他乡工作,会带上自己的家庭(联想老人和孩子);是否利大于弊?(2013年10月19日雅思考试写作题目)
2. An amount of people today change their career and place of residence several times during their lives. Is this positive or negative to development?很多人在一生中不断改变自己的居住地以及工作,是好还是不好?(2011年11月19日雅思写作题目)
3. An increasing number people are changing careers during the working life what do you think the reasons? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? 很多人一生中不断地改变他们的职业,原因何在?你认为是消极的还是积极的? (2014年6月21日雅思写作题目)
One of the traits of modern way of working is that people enjoy more freedom in selecting their dream jobs and places of residence. Thanks to the improvement of modern public transport and communication technology, many young adults are usually magnetized by splendid job opportunities and modernized lifestyle in new cities. People have been pondering for years the pros and cons of migrant lifestyle bought about by the high-tech without reaching any definite consensus. Personally, the merits of free job selection prevail over its possible downsides(86)
1. One of the traits of modern way of working and lifestyle is that people enjoy more freedom in selecting their dream jobs and places of residence.现代工作方式的重要特征之一就是人们在选择他们心仪的事业和梦想的住地的时候更加自由。
2. People have been pondering for years the pros and cons of migrant lifestyle bought about by the high-tech without reaching any definite consensus. 高科技的便利使人们可以像候鸟一样地生活,人们多年来在思考其利弊,未能达成共识。
3. The merits of free job selection prevail over its possible downsides 自由工作选择的利大于弊
Granted, with the availability of new technology, people may get a reasonable career in any favorite cities without concerning about regional limits. No matter where one dwells in, he or she can keep contact with their family members via the Internet or airplane timely. Seen from positive aspects, a number of benefits can be acquired. The most glaring merit is that multiple career choice and constant change of residence means a broad range of working experience and constant refreshment. Meanwhile, one can become more versatile and well-informed by embarking on manifold jobs or living in different cities. Also, regular change of jobs makes one excel professionally and living in different cities greatly enriches one’s experience of the world. Hence, one can embrace brighter career and enjoy precious memory in the future. Last,to take up jobs in diverse cities enables one to enlarge his or her circle of friends so that one could establish well-connected interpersonal network. A better personal resource, to some extent, means more golden chances of job-promotion, comfortable salary and even the room for career achievement.(180)
1. …… means a broad range of working experience and constant refreshment. ……意味着丰富的工作经历和持久的新鲜感
2. One can become more versatile and well-informed 一个人可以变得多才多艺以及见闻广博
3. makes one excel professionally 使人专业上更加精通
4. enrich one’s experience of the world. 丰富一个人的人生阅历
5. establish well-connected interpersonal network 建立良好的人脉资源
Nonetheless, some problems might ensue. Initially, the decomposition of family bonds is an inevitable risk due to the spatial separation. Imaginably, the face-to-face opportunities of communicating with family and friends will be diminished if people live too far. Besides, every individual should assume the obligation of getting married and startting his career, it might be hard for people to obtain the sense of happiness and secure stable life if they change place of working too quickly. (77)
1. Nonetheless, some problems might ensue. 然而,一些问题也许跟着发生
2. the decomposition of family bonds 家庭纽带的分解
3. assume the obligation of getting married and startting his career 担负成家立业的责任
Overall, my stand is that young people are supposed to expand their minds. That is the best approach for them to deepen their insight into what they are hoping to do with their lives. Landing jobs and exploring life in diverse cities exert many positive impacts on many people, especially for those who dare to challenge themselves. (57)
1. Overall, my stand is that …… 我的立场是 ……
2. that is the best approach for sb to do sth 对于某人来说,这是最佳的方式去……
3. landing jobs and exploring life in diverse cities 在不同的城市择业以及体验人生