People who have interesting job 一个有着有趣的工作的人
Who was he?
What job did he have?
Explain why you think his job is interesting?
点评: 建议描述旅行美术作家,滑雪教练(季节工,法国很流行)。
A place you visited to learn another culture 短暂旅行的地方学到不同文化
Where you went
What you learnt
How you learnt it
Explain how you feel about this culture?
A park (garden) you visited and liked 喜欢的公园或者花园
Where is was?
What it looked at?
What people did?
Explain how you feel about this garden?
A time when you are very busy 忙碌的时间
When the time is?
What you at this time?
How you arrange you time?
Explain how you feel during this busy time?
A book that you enjoyed reading 一本喜欢的书籍
What the book was in this book?
Why you read it?
Explain what effect the book had on you?
点评:该卡片可以联系一部喜欢的电影,主语谈及读书的利好,陶冶情操,启迪智慧,加深对于生活和自我的洞察,放松身心,精进写作才华。小鹏哥喜欢的书籍是《狼图腾》,《孽债》, 《独白与手势》, 《两个人的电影》, 《平凡的世界》, 还有黑龙江小说家徐岩的作品(他的语言极有东北特色,描写小人物生活的不甘心和梦想,他们的酸甜苦辣)。
Another language you want to learn (expect English) 想要学习的新的外语
The name of this language ?
How you will learn it?
What difficulties you think you will have?
Why you choose to study this language ?