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日期:2014-05-16 18:18


  表格题:剑桥7 (P30 )+剑桥4(P31)
  曲线图:剑桥四(P54) + 剑桥5( P29)
  柱子图:剑桥四(P78 )+ 剑桥7(P78)
  Young adults should undertake unpaid work to help people in the community. To what extent do you think it brings more drawbacks to the community and the young adults than benefits? 很多人应该从事免费的社区服务,是否认为弊大于利(2006年9月23日)
  Some people believe that teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects. But, others believe that teenagers should focus on the subject that they are best at or that they find the most interest. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 有人认为通才教育好,有人认为应该教学生感兴趣的课程,讨论两方面?
  Schools should only offer subjects that are beneficial to students’ future careers. Other subjects, such as music and sports, are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为音乐课体育课不应该上;是否认同?
  There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phone? 手机的使用带来了社会,医疗和技术问题.
  Nowadays, many young people leave school with a negative attitude towards learn, explain the reasons and present some suggestions how to encourage them to learn positively. You can use your own experience. 现在很多的年轻人离开学校后,对于学习持有一种消极的态度,解释一下原因,提出一些建议,如何鼓励学生们积极的学习?
  In many countries increasing proportion of young people are leaving but unable to find jobs. What problems do you think youth unemployment will bring for individual and the society? What measures should be taken to deduce level of unemployment among youngsters? 大学生择业难的影响以及解决?
  Currently many people fail to balance the work with the other parts of lives, what are the reasons and how to solve it? 现在,人们很难平衡工作和生活的其他部分,讨论其原因再提出解决方法
  Cheap air travel is increasingly popular in the world today. To what extent do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages? 廉价飞机旅行是否弊大于利?= Some people believe that air travel should be restricted because it causes serious pollution and uses up the world fuel resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为飞机旅行应该被限制,因为飞机旅行污染空气也消耗了世界上的油料资源,是否认同?
  Research suggests that majority of criminals who send to prison would commit crimes when set free, what do you think of this case? What can be done to solve this problem?很多人进出监狱好多次,持续犯罪的原因以及解决途径?
  Now, people can use Internet to see historic objects freely. People think we don’t need museum in the future. To what extend do u agree or disagree. 计算机是否可以代替美术馆?
  Many people think it is very important to protect environment but they make no effort to do it themselves. Why does it happen? How to solve this problem? 不少人认为保护环境重要, 但是没有行动. 为什么? 如何解决?
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 是否认为电视破坏了家庭和朋友间的交流:
  Many old building are protected by the law because they are part of a nation's history. However, some people think they should be knocked down to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices. How important is it to maintain old buildings? 很多古老建筑被法律保护,但是很多人认为老建筑应该被拆除给新建筑让路,是否同意这个观点?
  Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 有人认为幸福和经济成功相互关联,有人认为幸福取决于不同的因素,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见?

  • extendv. 扩充,延伸,伸展,扩展
  • proportionn. 比例,均衡,部份,(复)体积,规模 vt. 使成比
  • communicationn. 沟通,交流,通讯,传达,通信
  • trendn. 趋势,倾向,方位 vi. 倾向,转向
  • disagreev. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜
  • negativeadj. 否定的,负的,消极的 n. 底片,负数,否定
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • unemploymentn. 失业,失业人数
  • extentn. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度 n. [
  • majorityn. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派 n. 法定年龄