IELTS写作总共有两文章,Task1和Task2. Task 1 要求考生在20分钟内完成150字以上的文章. 学术类的考试题型是以图表为主,包括曲线图,柱状图,饼状图,表格等.
在做Task 1这样的题型的时候, 一定要追寻客观性.不能想当然的认为该数据是如何变化的,而应该用相对专业的词汇来描述数据变化. 例如: to remain level/steady/stable/to level out/to remain constant; be the same as /stay the same as; rapid/ noticeable 等等.
在着手开始写文章的时候, 要抓住图表的特征,再弄清写作重点和选用适当的分析方法. 分析图表的时候要弄清图表所表达的主要观点和规律等. 对于多个图表的组合题目还要分析各图表间的关系. 在描写数据的时候, 要多多注意不要把每个数据都写到文章中,一是没有这么充足的时间,二是因为把所有的数据都写到文章中,就不具有代表性了. 在写文章的时候,要构思文章分成几段,每段描写哪些数据,各段间的顺序如何安排. 一般来说文章都分成三段. 第一段是introduction. 开头一般都是主题句,要开门见山, 简洁明了的说. 第二段就开始描述了. 应着重描写体现图表主要信息的内容. 忽略无关紧要的内容. 最后就是结尾段了.在写该段的时候千万不要随便加上自己的主观色彩,在Task1文章中, 发表自己的个人见解是非常不合适的. 下面我们来看一篇文章:
As the picture indicates, it shows 4 diseases between 1950and 2000 in a developing country.
According to Tuberculosis, it put(puts) the largest number in 1960 while it has almost disappeared after 1990.Smallpox is simlar (similar) with(to) the Tuberculosis, in the (删除)1960 the disease has been broken, with the time pass(passing) by the disease has been control (controlled), and gradual (gradually)disappeared.
It is quite different from aids, before 1980,there is almost few child has caught this disease (语法有错误,可以改成定语从句:there are almost few children who have caught this disease.),but in 2000 it rises (“上涨” “增加”, 为vi. 改成: rises to) 5000. It will intentioned to US, the government must take some actions to control it. At last, let us look at the Malaria; it has the same level in the passed (past) 50 years, so this is an Epidemic disease. The very good means have not treated this kind of disease.
So the charts (chart) suggests that the AIDS and Malaria is (are) the 2 biggest diseases in childhood right now. We must attention it.
总之在写Task1 的时候要记住三个词, “准确, 客观, 代表性”. 数字的叙述要准确, 内容的陈述要客观, 描述要有代表性. 抓住了重点,相信可以取得事半功倍的效果!