雅思口语常见话题:A Famous Person
日期:2013-03-22 15:46


  下面雅思频道为大家整理了雅思口语话题卡:A Famous Person,供考生们参考,考生们在备考时可以多多练习这些常见的雅思口语考题,多整理一些答题的素材及思路,确保正式考试时能够流利、自然地回答考官给出的题目,以下是详细内容。

  A Famous Person

  Describe a famous person you would like to meet.

  You should say:

  who this person is (or, was)

  how you first learnt about him or her

  how/why this person is famous

  and explain why you would like to meet this person.



  1、Why do some people want to be famous?

  2、Do you think famous people change their ways of thinking when they become famous?

  3、For example, what changes do you think might happen if someone suddenly became rich?

  4、Do you want to be famous?

  5、Would you like to be famous?

  6、To be one of these stars, what qualities do people need to have?

  7、Do you think all famous people have a lot of money?

  8、How do people become famous?

  9、Who were some famous people about 30 or 40 years ago?

  10、Compare the types of people who were famous about 30 or 40 years ago (or, in the past) with the people who are famous today

  11、What kind(s) of people do you think will be famous in the future?

  12、Do you think there is a possible danger in young people using some famous people as role models?

  13、What benefits do people get from being famous?

  14、Can you think of any disadvantages to being famous?

  15、Do you think famous people can (or, do) keep their privacy after they become famous?

  16、Do you think the children of famous people can play with normal children?

  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • privacyn. 隐私,隐居,秘密