雅思口语常见话题:A Recent Change
日期:2013-03-14 15:40


  A Recent Change

  Describe a positive change in your life.

  You should say:

  when it happened

  where it happened

  what the change was

  and explain how you have benefited from this change.

  Part 3

  1、Do you like change in your life? (Why?/Why not?)

  2、Do you think change is important in life?

  3、Why do you think some people try to resist change in their lives?

  4、Have there been many recent changes in your community?

  5、What do you think have been some of the major changes in the world in the past few years?

  6、Do you think these changes have been changes for the better, or for the worse?

  7、Do you have any thoughts on why these changes are occurring now?

  8、Can you think of any things that were better (than they are now) a few years ago?

  9、Can you think of any things that are better now than they used to be a few decades ago?

  10、Do you think it's good for children to experience new things?

  11、Do you think parents should teach their children how to cope with change?

  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • resistv. 抵抗,反抗,抵制,忍住 n. 防蚀涂层
  • communityn. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落