日期:2013-02-25 14:18


  Describe a wrong decision that you know 你所知道的一个错误的决定

  Describe why people go to museum; what do you think is the reason people go to museum? 为什么去博物馆?

  Describe an important plat in your country (such as fruits, flowers or vegetables)植物

  Describe a person who is polite you know 礼貌的人

  Describe a good parent who is familiar to you 好家长

  Describe a recent change in your life 最近的改变

  Describe an interesting speech you recently listened to 有趣的演讲

  Describe an occasion when you helped other people 乐于助人

  Describe a foreign language (not English) you want to learn 小语种

  Describe an advertisement that makes you want to buy something 让你想购物的广告

  Describe an occasion that you were late for 一次迟到的经历

  Describe a holiday you spent away from home 一次假日旅行

  Describe a room you ever lived in 你住过的房间

  Describe a place where was crowded with people you went to 你所去过的拥挤的地方

  Describe an important message you received 你所接到的重要的信息

  Describe a game (not about sport)you like 你喜欢的游戏(非运动类)

  Describe a person who has an important job 身居要职的人

  Describe a person who became your intimate friend at the first meeting 一见如故

  Describe a book or film about the future you read or watched 你所读过的关于未来的书或者看过的关于未来的电影

  Describe something useful that you learned from mathematics in school 数学如何学以致用

  Describe a café in your hometown你家乡的一个咖啡馆

  Describe a useful website that you like to visit(have visited)有用的网站

  Describe the type of clothes that you like to wear 你喜欢的穿的服装的风格

  Describe a special meal you were invited 一次特殊的用餐经历(鸿门宴)

  Describe a library you visited 你去过的图书馆

  Describe how can you concentrate if there is too much noise 如何集中注意力

  Describe the commodity that you have purchased which is not appropriate for you 买过不适合自己的商品

  Describe the entertainment you enjoyed when you were young. 小时候喜欢的活动

  Describe a fascinating memory 一个吸引人的事情

  Describe the function and influence of nuclear power 核能的作用与影响

  Describe the leisure activities you would like to do when you are free 你的休闲时光

  Describe the experience you last took photographs 你最近一次照相


  Part 1永恒考点

  [Personal information]: Hometown/ Study/ Accommodation/Family/Hobby/Relationship

  [Media/Arts]: TV/Newspaper /Music/ Film/ Advertisement

  [Public Place]: Museum/ Library/ Zoo/ Park/ Garden

  [Useful Skill]: Drive/ Cook/ Housework/ Swim

  [Festival/ Celebration]: Gift/ Customs/ Event/ Birthday/ Wedding/ Festival

  [Nature/ Environment]: Animal/ Pets/ Flowers/ Plant/ Bird


  [Lifestyle]: Radio/ Pub/ Drink/ Evening/ Disease/ Travel

  [Traditional Culture]: Drama/ Opera/ Traditional Music

  [Local Cuisine]: Local Food/ Fruit/ Snack

  Part 2 永恒考点

  [People]: Famous person/ Old man/ Friend

  [Object]: Electronic equipment/ a piece of clothes/ a foreign product

  [media]: Film/ Advertisement/ Song/ Book

  [Place]: Trip/Place near water/ Street/ Historic Building

  [Event]: Angry/unforgettable experience; Festival/ Party/Meal/ Job


  [People]: Famous Host/ Well-known writer/ Person from recent news/ Neighbor from your

  childhood/ Someone you have lived with

  [Object]: a gift you would like to send to your parents/ an unusual furniture you have

  [Media]: a piece of advertisement which made you buy something/ a popular song in your

  country/ a story about your culture

  [Place]: a noisy place/ a place which is good for exercise/ a place you visited which is not

  famous/ a journey you went with other people

  [Event]: a help you received by a stranger/ an exciting sports event you have watched/ a

  special moment from your school life/ an important email you received




  谣言:Boat是Public Transportation里的一个分支,不是具体的题目。






  1. Your Work or Your Studies (#Your Primary School)

  2. Your Hometown

  3. Your Home (Your Accommodation)

  4. name


  1. *Time management新题

  2. #Entertainment

  3. #Weekends

  4. #Leisure Time / Relaxing

  5. #Photographs

  6. *Book\ Reading 新题

  7. *TV 新题

  8. #Cars

  9. #A Healthy Lifestyle

  10. #Sport

  11. #Dancing

  12. #The Weather

  13. #Food

  14. *A language(except English and mandarin) 新题

  15. #Mobile Phones

  16. #The Internet

  17. *Newspaper 新题

  18. *Emails\Letters 新题

  19. #Cards

  20. #Shopping

  21. #Bags

  22. #Clothes & Fashion

  23. #Art

  24. #Museums

  25. #Friends and Family

  26. #Relatives

  27. #Colours

  28. #Flowers

  29. #Toys

  30. #Birthdays

  31. #Names

  32. *wedding

  33. Primary School

  34. *Daily Routine

  35. *Time management

  36. *Housework

  37. *Public Transport

  38. *Noise

  39. *Going Out

  40. Healthy lifestyle

  41. Seasons&Weather

  42. *Parks&Gardens

  43. *Writing

  44. *Plans&Goals

  45. Friends&family

  46. *Music

  • accommodationn. 住处,膳宿;适应,和解
  • fascinatingadj. 迷人的
  • concreteadj. 具体的,实质性的,混凝土的 n. 水泥,混凝土
  • concentratev. 集中,专心,浓缩 n. 浓缩物
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • transportn. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒
  • unusualadj. 不平常的,异常的
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • primaryadj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的 n. 最主
  • decisionn. 决定,决策