日期:2010-08-30 09:27
听力 | |||
Section 1 | 新题 | 滑雪咨询 | 难度 ★★☆ |
Section 2 | 二级预测 | Version30064 Section2 | 难度 ★☆ |
Section 3 | 新题 | 教室讨论学生的报告 | 难度 ★★ |
Section 4 | 新题 | 某项实验 | 难度 ★☆ |
阅读 (A类) | |||
Passage 1 | 某种植物 | 难度 ★★ | |
Passage 2 | 猩猩 | 难度 ★★☆ | |
Passage 3 | 多任务工作 | 难度 ★★ | |
写作 | |||
(A) Task 1 | Bar charts | The Bar Chart below gives the percentages of materials downloaded by UK internet users in different age types in 2006. | 难度 ★ |
(A) Task 2 | 社会 | In many cities, planners locate schools, homes, offices, shops in specific areas which were widely separate from each other. Do you agree the advantages of this policy overweigh the disadvantages? | 难度 ★★☆ |
(G) Task 1 | 无 | 难度 | |
(G) Task 2 | 无 | 难度 | |
口语 | |||
口语各地题目不同,请参考回忆帖。 |