日期:2010-08-02 09:21
听力 | |||
Section 1 | 09年试题未收录 | Version09127 Section1 | 难度 ★ |
Section 2 | 二级预测 | Version06108 Section2 | 难度 ★★ |
Section 3 | 新题 | 难度 ★★☆ | |
Section 4 | 新题 | 难度 ★★ | |
阅读 (A类) | |||
Passage 1 | Optimism and health | 难度 ★☆ | |
Passage 2 | 鸟的迁徙 | 难度 ★ | |
Passage 3 | ingenuity | 难度 ★★ | |
写作 | |||
(A) Task 1 | Bar charts | 四个国家和全世界总的, 城市人口的变化。 1975年,2002年和2015年的预测。 | 难度 ☆ |
(A) Task 2 | 社会+教育 | University students should pay all the cost of their studies because university benefits individuals more than the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree? | 难度 ★ |
(G) Task 1 | 信 | 写信给一个公司去赢一个new computer as prize写得最好的拿奖 | 难度 ★ |
(G) Task 2 | 社会 | Nowadays, some people believe advertising is useful and informative. Others believe advertising give false information about the products and increase the price of goods, what is your opinion? | 难度 ★☆ |
口语 | |||
口语各地题目不同,请参考回忆帖。 |