有哲人说过,成功者的必备素质包含眼光(vision),果敢(courage and resolution)和取舍的智慧(wisdom of making compromise)。而在雅思考试中,笔者认为烤鸭你的“眼光”在于快速定位,“果敢”体现在正确做出判断,而最后对不确定题目的大胆猜测正是“取舍之间彰显智慧”。但猜测有风险,所以本讲我们继续对FALSE的判断依据的学习,希望籍此合理控制风险,取得最大收益(minimize the risk and maximize the profit)。
原文:Without a qualification from a reputable school or
university, it is unlikely to find a good job.
题目: It is impossible to get a good job without a
qualification from a respected institution.
解答:FALSE 原文和题目都出现了qualification(资质,这里指文凭),而a reputable school和a respected institution都指“名校”,所以考点必然在表示程度的副词上。
原文:Another theory is that worldwide temperature
increases are melting polar ice caps.
题目:It is a fact that the melting of ice caps in both south
and north poles are worsened by worldwide increase in temperature.
解答:FALSE 对于同一件事,极地冰帽的融化(melting of polar ice caps)原文中是theory,强调是“理论”,而题目中为fact,强调是“事实”。所以答案应为FALSE。
除了“theory”到“fact”的错误表达,在该种FALSE的情况下还会出现的语法结构有:原文为“data are absent”或“evidence is missing”,题目为“it is well-documented that…”。换汤不换药,请大家慧眼识别。
FALSE的第五种情况:原文中包含条件状语,如if、unless或if not, 或使用介词短语来表示条件状语如but for或except for。题目中断然去掉了这些表示条件状语的成份。
原文:The Internet has often been criticized by the
international society as a newly-emerging dangerous tool in the hands of terrorists.
题目:The international society has often criticized the
Internet because it is not safe.
解答:FALSE 比较原文和题目,都提到Internet因为危险被国际社会(international society)所抨击(criticize)。但是原文中有表示条件状语的介词短语in the hands of terrorists,在题目中被去掉了。所以答案应为 FALSE。
FALSE的所有5种情况我们就介绍到这里为止。阿甘把生活比作什锦巧克力,说过,“life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re going to get”。但朗阁海外考试研究中心《每天三小时冲刺雅思》丛书阅读卷的笔者觉得烤鸭们应理解为“If you take the sweetness first, one day you would be bitter from the sweet.”
苦口良药(good for health, bitter for your mouth)。希望大家对学习持之以恒。