无忧雅思:Hi,everyone,We invite Matthew from Beijing Ielts School today,Let's start asking now......
Matthew:Anyone with questions please post them as I am currently available to answer.
网友 :雅思口语什么样状态和感觉才可以6+啊
Matthew:To gain a score of 6 students must meet these basic requirements in their speaking. *The student is willing to speaking at length, A lot of students have the ability to speak for a long period of time on a subject but will not do so without the teacher encouraging them to continue speaking. During the proper examination the teacher will not be assisting the student with suggestions. *Vocabulary The student most have a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length while keeping the meaning clear in spite of some things being unrelated to the topic. *Grammatical Range and accuracy The student should be using a mix of simple and complex structures. *Pronunciation The students pronunciation should be consistent and clear, although some leeway is given for minor mispronunciations.
网友 :雅思口语问题,what form of transport do visitors use to come to your hometown
Matthew:雅思口语问题,what form of transport do visitors use to come to your hometown? When tourists or visitors come to my home town they prefer to use the public transport such as buses or trains to get around. I think this is because they don't know there way around the area very well and it also gives them the opportunity to see many things without having to worry about finding their final destination.
网友 :Hi~ i want to ask a topic is about"a useful device" how can i say it well or can i say mp3 or something like that.
Matthew:Well these questions are asking about your personal opinion. You just have to explain why you believe this object is a useful device. For example if you were speaking about an mp3. You would speak about how it helps you student for your listening classes aswell as allowing you to listen to music where ever you are. It is best to choice an object that you can choose in many diferent ways as it allows you to talk for a longer time and in more depth.
网友 :雅思口语中的describe a garden 中的garden是指公园还是住宅花园呢?因为garden这两个意思都有,但是又是完全不同的意思呢
Matthew:In most cases if they use the word garden it should be refering to 花园. In english normally a personal small garden is refered to as a "garden". If the garden is very largue such as in a public park or outside a big building they will use the word "gardens". For example the "Gardens of eden".
网友 :hi. I wannt to konw if it matters since my thought is not very smooth or more exactly it comes out slowly, I always pause for a few seconds for a lack for words when talking. Will my score be very low?
Matthew:Your score will be affect both by pausing as well as lack of vocabulary. Quite often this is caused by students being nervous when entering examination conditions. An easy and effective way to improve on this is to have a friend practise the test with you. You will have your friend first preform the role of the teacher and give you the exam. After this is completed you will switch roles and act as the teacher. Using this you can begin to understand what kind of things the teacher notices while giving an exam.
网友 :第一部分
1.would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages?
2.On what occasions do chinese people have parties?
3.what style of shopping do you like?
1.an interesting culture
3.training session
4.bird ( 最好是鸽子 或者 喜鹊)
帮帮忙 !!!
Matthew:第一部分 1.would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages? Personally I think bicycles are suitable for anyone over the age of 5 years old. There are many diferent types of bicycles available for all age groups. For example you can buy bicycles designed for younger children that have extra weels and are more comfortable and safer than normal bicycles. 2. On what occasions do chinese people have parties? I think the best example is for birthdays. Myself and many friends celebrate a friends birthdays but eating togeather or go singing at a ktv. 3. What style of shopping do you like? When I go shopping I prefer to go with a group of friends as I am not very good at making good choices about what is a good buy. I also prefer to shop at stores where I don't have to do any bargaining as I don't feel very comfortable arguing over the price.
网友 :雅思口语基本问题回答 谢谢
Do you enjoy watching movie?why or why not>?
Can you name one of your favourite actor or actress?
Who is your favourite actor or actress?
part1的问题 没必要太复杂
Matthew:Ok well, these questions are of a basic structure. When replying to these questions, make sure you read the questions clearly before replying. A basic reply to the first question "Do you enjoy watching movies", Yes I enjoy watching movies. You can use a more complex reply if you feel confident such as "Yes I enjoy watching movies. I normally go and watch a movie with friends once a week". When explaining why or why not you like watching movies you should include examples of films you've seen. A lot of students speak about what type of movies they like but never actually give a name or an example of a scene from the movie it's self. "Can you name one of your favourite actor or acress?" When replying to this question. My favourite actor is Russel Crowe, I first saw him in the movie "Gladiator". I like him as an actor mainly because the movies he stars in often involve a lot of action and special effects.