法律英语:中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 17
日期:2018-01-10 16:25


第二编 审判程序 第十二章 第一审普通程序 第一节 起诉和受理
PART TWO TRIAL PROCEDURE Chapter XII Ordinary Procedure of First Instance Section 1 Bringing a Lawsuit and Entertaining a Case

第一百零八条 起诉必须符合下列条件:
Article 108 The following conditions must be met when a lawsuit is brought:

"(1) the plaintiff must be a citizen, legal person or any other organization that has a direct interest in the case; "

(2) there must be a definite defendant;

"(3) there must be specific claim or claims, facts, and cause or causes for the suit;"

and (4) the suit must be within the scope of acceptance for civil actions by the people's court and under the jurisdiction of the people's court where the suit is entertained.

第一百零九条 起诉应当向人民法院递交起诉状,并按照被告人数提出副本。
"Article 109 When a lawsuit is brought, a statement of complaint shall be submitted to the people's court, and copies of the statement shall be provided according to the number of defendants."

"If the plaintiff has genuine difficulty in presenting the statement of complaint in writing, he may state his complaint orally; the people's court shall transcribe the complaint and inform the other party of it accordingly."

第一百一十条 起诉状应当记明下列事项:
Article 110 A statement of complaint shall clearly set forth the following:

"(1) the name, sex, age, ethnic status, occupation, work unit and home address of the parties to the case; if the parties are legal persons or any other organizations, their names, addresses and the names and posts of the legal representatives or the principal heads."

"(2) the claim or claims of the suit, the facts and grounds on which the suit is based; "

"and (3) the evidence and its source, as well as the names and home addresses of the witnesses."

第一百一十一条 人民法院对符合本法第一百零八条的起诉,必须受理;对下列起诉,分别情形,予以处理:
"Article 111 The people's court must entertain the lawsuits filed in conformity with the provisions of Article 108 of this Law. With respect to lawsuits described below, the people's court shall deal with them in the light of their specific circumstances: "

"(1) for a lawsuit within the scope of administrative actions in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Law, the people's court shall advise the plaintiff to institute administrative proceedings; "

"(2) if, according to the law, both parties have on a voluntary basis reached a written agreement to submit their contract dispute to an arbitral organ for arbitration, they may not institute legal proceedings in a people's court. The people's court shall advise the plaintiff to apply to the arbitral organ for arbitration; "

"(3) in case of disputes which, according to the law, shall be dealt with by other organs, the people's court shall advise the plaintiff to apply to the relevant organ for settlement;"

" (4) with respect to cases that are not under its jurisdiction, the people's court shall advise the plaintiff to bring a lawsuit in the competent people's court; "

"(5) with respect to cases in which a judgment or order has already taken legal effect, but either party brings a suit again, the people's court shall advise that party to file an appeal instead, except when the order of the people's court is one that permits the withdrawal of a suit; "

"(6) with respect to an action that may not be filed within a specified period according to the law, it shall not be entertained, if it is filed during that period."

"(7) in a divorce case in which a judgment has been made disallowing the divorce, or in which both parties have become reconciled after conciliation, or in a case concerning adoptive relationship in which a judgment has been made or conciliation has been successfully conducted to maintain the adoptive relation-ship, if the plaintiff files a suit again within six months in the absence of any new developments or new reasons, it shall not be entertained."

第一百一十二条 人民法院收到起诉状或者口头起诉,经审查,认为符合起诉条件的,应当在七日内立案,并通知当事人;
"Article 112 When a people's court receives a statement of complaint or an oral complaint and finds after examination that it meets the requirements for acceptance, the court shall place the case on the docket within seven days and notify the parties concerned; "

if it does not meet the requirements for acceptance the court shall make an order within seven days to reject it.

"The plaintiff, if not satisfied with the order, may file an appeal."