法律英语:中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 15
日期:2018-01-08 16:22


第十章 对妨害民事诉讼的强制措施
Chapter X Compulsory Measures Against Obstruction of Civil Proceedings

第一百条 人民法院对必须到庭的被告,经两次传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,可以拘传。
"Article 100 If a defendant is required to appear in court, but, having been served twice with summons, still refuses to do so without justified reason, the people's court may constrain him to appear in court by a peremptory writ."

第一百零一条 诉讼参与人和其他人应当遵守法庭规则。
Article 101 Participants and other persons in the court proceedings shall abide by the court rules.

"If a person violates the court rules, the people's court may reprimand him, or order him to leave the courtroom, or impose a fine on or detain him."

"A person who seriously disrupts court order by making an uproar in the court or rushing at it, or insulting, slandering, threatening, or assaulting the judicial officers, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility by the people's court according to the law; if the offence is a minor one, the offender may be detained or a fine imposed on him."

第一百零二条 诉讼参与人或者其他人有下列行为之一的,人民法院可以根据情节轻重予以罚款、拘留;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
"Article 102 If a participant or any other person in the proceedings commits any one of the following acts, the people's court shall, according to the seriousness of the act, impose a fine on him or detain him; if the act constitutes a crime, the offender shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law."

"(1) forging or destroying important evidence, which would obstruct the trial of a case by the people's court; "

"(2) using violence, threats or subordination to prevent a witness from giving testimony, or instigating, suborning, or coercing others to commit perjury; "

"(3) concealing, transferring, selling or destroying property that has been sealed up or distrained, or property of which an inventory has been made and which has been put under his care according to court instruction, or transferring the property that has been frozen; "

"(4) insulting, slandering, incriminating with false charges, assaulting or maliciously retaliating against judicial officers or personnel, participants in the proceedings, witnesses, interpreters, evaluation experts, inspectors, or personnel assisting in execution; "

"(5) using violence, threats or other means to hinder judicial officers or personnel from performing their duties; "

or (6) refusing to carry out legally effective judgments or orders of the people's court.

"With respect to a unit that commits any one of the acts specified above, the people's court may impose a fine on or detain its principal heads or the persons who are held actually responsible for the act; if the act constitutes a crime, investigations for criminal responsibility shall be made according to the law."

第一百零三条 有义务协助调查、执行的单位有下列行为之一的,人民法院除责令其履行协助义务外,并可以予以罚款:
"Article 103 Where a unit which is under an obligation to assist in investigation and execution commits any one of the following acts, the people's court may, apart from enjoining it to perform its obligation, also impose a fine:"

(1) refusing or obstructing the investigation and collection of evidence by the people's court;

" (2) refusing by banks, credit cooperatives or other units dealing with savings deposit, after receiving a notice for assistance in execution from the people's court, to assist in inquiring into, freezing or transferring the relevant deposit."

"(3) refusing by the unit concerned, after receiving a notice for assistance in execution from the people's court, to assist in withholding the income of the party subject to execution, in going through the formalities of transferring the relevant certificates of property rights or in transferring the relevant negotiable instruments, certificates, or other property; "

or (4) refusing to provide other obligatory assistance in the execution.

"With respect to a unit that commits any one of the acts specified above, the people's court may impose a fine on its principal heads or the persons who are held actually responsible for the act. "

The people's court may also put forward a judicial proposal to the supervisory organ or any relevant organ for the imposition of disciplinary sanctions.

第一百零四条 对个人的罚款金额,为人民币一千元以下。
"Article 104 A fine on an individual shall not exceed Renminbi 1,000 yuan. "

"A fine on a unit shall not be less than Renminbi 1,000 yuan and shall not exceed Renminbi 30,000 yuan."

The period of detention shall not be longer than 15 days.

"The people's court shall deliver detained persons to a public security organ for custody. The people's court may decide to advance the time of release, if the detainee admits and mends his wrongdoings."

第一百零五条 拘传、罚款、拘留必须经院长批准。
"Article 105 Constrained appearance in court, imposition of a fine or detention shall be subject to the approval of the president of the people's court."

A peremptory writ shall be issued for constraining appearance in court.

A decision in writing shall be made for the imposition of a fine or detention.

"The offender, if dissatisfied with the decision, may apply to a people's court at a higher level for reconsideration which could be granted only once. "

The execution of the decision shall not be suspended during the time of reconsideration.

第一百零六条 采取对妨害民事诉讼的强制措施必须由人民法院决定。
Article 106 Decision on the adoption of compulsory measures against obstruction of proceedings shall be made only by the people's court.

"Any unit or individual that extorts repayment of a debt by illegal detention of a person or illegal distrainment of property shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to the law, or shall be punished with detention or a fine."
