日期:2012-09-27 14:21
世界遗产委员会(World Heritage Committee)对西湖的评价是:“数百年来,西湖景区对中国其他地区乃至日本和韩国的园林设计都产生了影响,在景观营造的文化传统中,西湖是对天人合一这一理想境界的最佳阐释。”
杭州西湖景色那确实是美不胜收。下面就来看看大名鼎鼎的“西湖十景”(Ten Scenes of West Lake)的英文说法。
苏堤春晓:Dawn on the Su Causeway in Spring
曲院风荷:Wine-making Yard and Lotus Pool in Summer
平湖秋月:Moon over the Peaceful Lake in Autumn
断桥残雪:Remnant Snow on the Bridge in Winter
雷峰夕照:Leifeng Pagoda in the Sunset
柳浪闻莺:Orioles Singing in the Willows
花港观鱼:Fish Viewing at the Flower Pond
三潭印月:Moon and Candlelight Mirrored in the Lake
南屏晚钟:Evening Bell Ringing at the Nanping Hill
双峰插云:Two Peaks Piercing the Clouds