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日期:2012-09-11 10:54



  (C= Cashier G=Guest)

  C: Good morning, sir. May I help you?

  G: Yes, I'd like to check out.

  C: Certainly sir. May I have your room key, please?

  G: Sure, here it is.

C: Just a moment, please. I'll draw up your bill for you.

  (After a while)

  C: Mr. Johnson, your bill totals US $520. How would you like to make the payment?

G: By credit card. Do you accept Visa?

  C: Yes, Mr. Johnson.

  G: Here you are.

C: (Print the card) Could you sign here, please?

  G: Sure.

  C: Thank you, Mr. Johnson. Here is your credit card and your receipt. Have a nice trip.


  1. 结帐基本应对

  (1)Just a moment, please. The cashier will have your bill ready in a moment. 请稍等,收银员马上会准备好您的账单。

  (2)I will calculate/draw up the bill for you. 我帮您结帐单。

  (3) Thank you for waiting, Mr. X, here is your bill. Would you like check? 让您久等了,X先生。这是您的账单,您要核对一下吗?

  (4) Would you like a breakdown of the bill? 您的帐目要细分吗?

  (5)That's much more than I expected. 那比我预料中的要超出许多。

  (6)Shall I explain some items for you? 要我解释什么收费款项吗?

  (7) If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you. 如果您认为帐目有错,我们可以为您核对一下。
(8)“L” stands for laundry, and “T” means telephone call charge. L代表洗衣费,T表示电话费。

  (9)I am afraid it is not enough to cover the amount/ can't cover the amount. 恐怕那不够付账。

  (10) How would you settle the bill/ make payment? 您打算如何付账呢?

  (11) In cash/ By credit card/ By travel's check. 用现金、信用卡、旅行支票付账。

  (12) May I have an invoice? 可以给我开张发票吗?

  (13) Certainly, sir. May I know the name of your company? 当然可以,先生。请问贵公司宝号?

  (14) Here's your change and receipt/invoice. 这是您的零钱和收据/发票。

  (15) I'll call the bellman to take your baggage down. 我会叫个服务员给你行李拿下来。

  2. 由第三方付款的结帐退宿

  (1)Your bill will be paid by XX company./ XX company has arranged to pay your bill. 您的账单由XX公司支付。

  (2)Could you make out two separate bills for me? 可以给我分开两张账单吗?

  (3)What charges does each bill cover, please? 请问每张账单博啊阔那些费用?

  (4) One bill covers the room rent and telephone rate. They are paid by our company. 一张账单包括房租和电话费,这些是由我们公司支付。

  (5) May I have your signature, please? 请您签个名,好吗?

  (6) Could you sign your name here, please? 请您在这儿签名,好吗?

  (7) May I have two of your business cards, please? 给我两张您的名片,好吗?

  (8) May I have two of your business cards, please? 请给我两张您的名片,好吗?

  3. 兑换外币

  (1)I'd like to change these US dollars into RMB. 我想把这些美元兑换成人民币。

  (2)Could you fill out this form, please? 请您填写这张表格好吗?

  (3)The exchange rate of US dollar to RMB is 100:823, that will give you RMB XX yuan. 美元兑人民币的汇率是100:823, 那就是要给您xx元人民币。

  (4) Would you like it in small or large bills? 您想要小额还是大额的钞票?

  (5) Please keep the receipt, you'll have to produce it when you want to change your money back. 请保管好您的收据,您要换回钱币的时候需要出示它。

  (6) I'm afraid that we only offer one-way change. 恐怕我们只提供单向兑换。

  (7) We have a change limit of US$ XX between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m. 在夜晚9点到早上8点之间,我们有xx美元兑换限额。

  (8) You may go to the Bank of China to change your money. 您可以到中国银行去兑换。

  (9) If we change large amounts, our cash supply runs out and we're unable to oblige our other guests. 如果兑换大额的款项而造成资金短缺,那么我们就无法为其他客人提供服务了。

  (10)We hope you can understand. 希望您能谅解。

  4. 付款时出现问题

  (1) I'm sorry, but we are not allowed to accept personal checks. 对不起,我们不能接受个人支票。

  (2) I'm sorry, but we don't accept personal checks according to the hotel policy. 对不起,根据酒店规定,我们不能接受个人支票。

  (3) I'm afraid this currency is not accepted in our hotel. 我们恐怕不能接受这种货币。

  (4) The figures and the words on the cheque do not agree. 这个数字和您支票上写的不相符。

  (5) The credit card limit set by the Visa Card is US$ 1500. 维萨卡的信用限额为1500美元。

  (6) We need their permission to extend credit cover that amount. 如果数目超出哪个限额,我们必须得到他们的允许。

  (7) Would you like to settle the difference in cash? 您愿意用现金支付差额吗?

  (8) I'm afraid we have no credit arrangements with your company, madam. You may by any of these credit cards instead. 女士,我们与贵公司恐怕没有信用贷款协定,您可以选用这些信用卡中的任何一种。

  5. 关于延迟退宿

  (1) If you check out after 12:00 at noon, you'll have to pay all of the rate. 如果您在中午12点之后退宿,就得付半天的房费。

  (2) If you check out after 6:00 p.m., you'll have to pay the full rate. 如果您在下午6点之后退宿,就得付一天的房费。

  6. 算错了账款

  (1) I'm sorry to hear that. 很抱歉听您这么说。

  (2) I'll check it with the department concerned. Would you mind waiting for a moment? 我去跟相关部门核对一下,您介意等会儿吗?

  (3) There has been an error. 是我们搞错了。

  (4) I neglected that detail when I drew up your bill. 我在开账单时忽略了那个细节。

  (5) I'll correct your bill. 我来把您的账单改过来。

  (6) We'll correct your bill by deducting 180 yuan from the total. 我们将把您的账单改过来,从总额中减去180元。

  (7) Here is the money you overpaid. 这是您多付的钱。


  (1) Have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快。

  (2) We hope to enjoy your stay. 希望您在这儿住的愉快。

  (3) We hope you have a pleasant/enjoyable stay, madam. 我在开账单时忽略了那个细节。

  (4) We look forward to serving you again. 我们期望再次为您服务。

  • concernedadj. 担忧的,关心的
  • producen. 产品,农作物 vt. 生产,提出,引起,分娩,制片
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • obligevt. 迫使,责成,使感激,施恩于,帮 ... 的忙 v
  • settlev. 安顿,解决,定居 n. 有背的长凳
  • exchangen. 交换,兑换,交易所 v. 交换,兑换,交易
  • laundryn. 洗衣店,要洗的衣服,洗衣
  • supplyn. 补给,供给,供应,贮备 vt. 补给,供给,提供,
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • creditn. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方 (复)c