日期:2011-10-10 17:00



It looks as if 2011 will be a strong hiring year for Hong Kong finance companies.

  'It's probably going to be the most aggressive hiring year that we've had,' says John Wright, chief executive officer of Global Sage, a global talent acquisition consultancy headquartered in Hong Kong. 'Companies had overcut and then they reconfigured and reorganized and rehired. Now they have to grow.'

  Coming off the end of the financial crisis, 2010 saw a hiring boom for banks that had cut too much. Indeed, eFinancial Careers, a finance job recruitment site, saw a year-to-year increase of 84% in job openings for the Asia-Pacific region as of November 2010. The trend is expected to continue next year.

  'We're definitely seeing increased attention around the world looking at jobs in Hong Kong, as well as Singapore and China,' says George McFerran, head of Asia-Pacific for eFinancial Careers, which surveys recruiters and companies for hiring trends.

  So what are the hot jobs for next year?

  Portfolio managers: Managers with successful track records are needed for hedge funds and for long-only assets, according to Mr. Wright. 'Asia has recovered from the credit crisis quicker than the rest of the world,' he says. 'The type of hiring will be about how to make money going forward. Managers are looking to get short-term returns on an annual basis, as well as to develop new long-term strategic plans.'

  Private banking: Banks are looking to grow their relationships-management teams, especially in Hong Kong and Singapore. There is a great undersupply of talent in private banking, so banks are also thinking creatively and looking outside the sector. A lot of banks are relocating mainland private bankers to Hong Kong to bring in Chinese clients, and they're being aggressive with their offers, says Mr. McFerran of eFinancial Careers. Mr. Wright says product specialists within private banks are especially popular.

  Commercial banking: There's been massive expansion into traditional commercial banking by the major banks, says Mr. Wright. He says that J.P. Morgan Chase, Citibank and HSBC all have plans to expand commercial banking practices, and thus are looking to hire commercial bankers of all types.

  Financial institutions specialists: Bankers who specialized in financial institution groups, often referred to as FIG bankers, are especially needed because of a slew of recent IPOs from Chinese banks, says Mr. McFerran. Mr. Wright notes that financial institution specialists at the senior level are especially in demand.

  Technology professionals: New advancements in technology require development of sophisticated applications, such as electronic trading platforms in equities. This is an area with a lot of growth and skills in technology development will be in demand, says Mr. Wright.

  Governance roles: Changing regulations and an increased attention to compliance and oversight make jobs in risk, compliance, anti-money laundering and product control very much in demand, according to Mr. McFerran. Like in 2010, these are talent-short areas. Qualified accountants will also be required on the bank side.

  Chinese experience: Organizations have a lot of expansion plans for the China market and they need to increase their footprint from both the consumer and corporate side, says Mr. McFerran. Native Mandarin speakers will be highly coveted for all asset classes. Mr. Wright notes that director-level Chinese coverage will be especially important.



  总部位于香港的全球赛奇公司(Global Sage)是一家全球性的猎头顾问公司,该公司首席执行官约翰-赖特(John Wright)说,“兴许,2011将会是招聘竞争空前激烈的一年。各家公司此前都经历了过度裁员,之后又进行了改造重组,如今则必须实现增长。”

  金融危机既已接近尾声,2010年,之前裁人太多的各家银行已经开始大张旗鼓地招募员工。千真万确,按金融业招聘网站eFinancial Careers的说法,迄11月为止,2010年亚太地区的开放职位已经比去年同期增长了84%。据估计,这样的趋势到明年还会持续。

  eFinancial Careers网站通过调查猎头公司和雇主来研究招聘趋势,网站亚太区主管乔治-麦克费兰(George McFerran)说,“毫无疑问,我们已经看到,世界各地都有更多的人瞄上了香港、新加坡和中国大陆的工作机会。”



  私人理财专家:各家银行都想扩充自己的客户关系管理团队,香港和新加坡的银行更是如此。私人理财领域的人才严重不足,各家银行因此就另出奇招,把眼光放到了行业之外。eFinancial Careers网站的麦克费兰先生说,许多银行都把中国大陆的私人理财专家调到了香港,为的是利用中国大陆的人才。与此同时,他们为此类人才开出的价钱也十分慷慨。赖特先生则说,尤其受雇主青睐的是私人理财产品专家。

  企业理财专家:赖特先生说,各大银行都在传统的企业理财领域进行了大幅度的扩张。他说,摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase)、花旗银行(Citibank)和汇丰银行(HSBC)都打算扩大企业理财服务,因此就需要招募各种类型的企业理财专家。





  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • fundsn. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金
  • hedgen. 树篱,篱笆,障碍,防护物,套期保值,推诿 v. 用
  • expansionn. 扩大,膨胀,扩充
  • sophisticatedadj. 诡辩的,久经世故的,精密的,老练的,尖端的
  • specialized专门的 专科的
  • massiveadj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • expandv. 增加,详述,扩展,使 ... 膨胀, vi. (谈
  • trackn. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲 v. 跟踪,追踪