科普阅读:Astronomy Picture of the Day(08-13-2011)
日期:2011-08-13 22:39


Castle and Meteor by Moonlight
Each August, as planet Earth swings through dust trailing along the orbit of periodic comet Swift-Tuttle, skygazers enjoy the Perseid Meteor Shower. As Earth moves through the denser part of the comet's wide dust trail this year's shower peaks around 6:00 UT August 13 (this morning), when light from a nearly full Moon masks all but the brighter meteor streaks. Still, Perseid meteors can be spotted in the days surrounding the peak. Moonlight and a Perseid meteor created this gorgeous skyscape, recorded in a simple, single, 10 second long exposure on the morning of August 12. Below the moonlit clouds in the foreground are the ruins of a medieval castle near Veszprem, Hungary, seen against the Bakony mountain range. In the night sky above the clouds, the Perseid meteor's trail is joined by bright planet Jupiter near the center of the frame along with the lovely Pleiades star cluster at the left.

  • periodicadj. 周期的,定期的,间歇的,完句的
  • exposuren. 面临(困难),显露,暴露,揭露,曝光
  • planetn. 行星
  • cometn. 慧星
  • framen. 框,结构,骨架 v. 构成,把 ... 框起来,陷
  • medievaladj. 中世纪的
  • castlen. 城堡 v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易位
  • rangen. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列 v. 排列,归类于