GMAT考试词汇精选(MP3+文本) 第306期:Unit37—7
日期:2016-11-19 10:54
1.tactic n.策略(a device for accomplishing an end);战术(a method of employing forces in combat)
例:Unions that have employed this tactic have achieved their goals.
2.tactile a.触觉的(of or relating to the sense of touch)
例:tactile hair触(觉)毛
同根词:contact( n./v.联系):tactometer (n.触觉测量器)
3.takeover n.接管:收购(the action or an act of taking over)
词根记忆:来自词组take over接管
例:corporate takeover公司收购
4.tangible a.可触摸的:切实的(substantially real) ’
例:a tangible roughness可触到的粗糙//tangible benefits切实利益
5.tap n.水龙头(faucet);v.轻敲:轻拍(to strike lightly especially with a slight sound)
例:Even though 'Saluda Natural Spring Water may seem expensive, drinking it instead of tap water is a wise investment in good health.
6.tariff n.关税(impost);税率(a rate of duty to be 'paid on imports or exports)
例:reciprocal tariff互惠税
7.taxable a.应纳税的,可征税的(subject to taxation)
例:People who are not citizens of Levaska are not eligible to invest in the tax-free savings accounts, even if their income is 'taxable in Levaska.
8.taxpayer n.纳税人(one that pays or is liable for a tax)
词根记忆:tax(税)+pay(付款)+ er(人)--付税的人--纳税人
例:Taxpayers do not differ from each other with respect to the rate of taxation that. will cause them to evade taxes.
9.tectonics n.构造学(a branch of geology concerned with the structure of the crust of a planet or moon);地质构造(geological structural features as a whole)
例:Plate tectonics cannot fully explain certain massive surface features.
例:Unions that have employed this tactic have achieved their goals.
2.tactile a.触觉的(of or relating to the sense of touch)
例:tactile hair触(觉)毛
同根词:contact( n./v.联系):tactometer (n.触觉测量器)
3.takeover n.接管:收购(the action or an act of taking over)
词根记忆:来自词组take over接管
例:corporate takeover公司收购
4.tangible a.可触摸的:切实的(substantially real) ’
例:a tangible roughness可触到的粗糙//tangible benefits切实利益
5.tap n.水龙头(faucet);v.轻敲:轻拍(to strike lightly especially with a slight sound)
例:Even though 'Saluda Natural Spring Water may seem expensive, drinking it instead of tap water is a wise investment in good health.
6.tariff n.关税(impost);税率(a rate of duty to be 'paid on imports or exports)
例:reciprocal tariff互惠税
7.taxable a.应纳税的,可征税的(subject to taxation)
例:People who are not citizens of Levaska are not eligible to invest in the tax-free savings accounts, even if their income is 'taxable in Levaska.
8.taxpayer n.纳税人(one that pays or is liable for a tax)
词根记忆:tax(税)+pay(付款)+ er(人)--付税的人--纳税人
例:Taxpayers do not differ from each other with respect to the rate of taxation that. will cause them to evade taxes.
9.tectonics n.构造学(a branch of geology concerned with the structure of the crust of a planet or moon);地质构造(geological structural features as a whole)
例:Plate tectonics cannot fully explain certain massive surface features.