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日期:2016-05-23 18:07


32.专利法– 4.10 JJ


  【V1】 1995年和2006年关于owner of trademark的

  【V2】 专利法案,看了无数机经,结果文章还是没怎么看懂,很难,很多法律名词,大概就是说后面的2006法案更受到法官的青睐,是因为serve better public policy。然后问了一道1995法案 里面的两个provision和专利拥有者就不用麻烦很多事 这两句话是什么关系。

  【V3】 一篇是那个美国专利法案的,讲到了95年和06年的两个法案,有问主旨的,狗主选了讲了95到06年美国专利法案的发展变化,有一题问新的法案为什么受法官欢迎,狗主选good public policy(与原文中旧法案poor public policy对应

  【V4】 专利法案

  The article was primarily concerned about the development (history) of two trademark protection acts. The first one was pass in 1995(not sure) and it received poor judicial reputation. The problem with the first act is that it is too broad. For example, the trademark owner could ban someone from talking about his trademark in public speech, which is not practical in the court system. The article also inferred that this might be in violation of people’s constitutional rights. (Freedom of speech) Due to these reasons, the judge does not think the first trademark act is a good public policy.

  The second one (2006) was passed with a narrower judicial authority. It received better support from the judges.


  Why do judges favor the new trademark act?

  A, It is a good public policy

  【考古确定! 】



  【短文章】 本月构筑确定是原文


  The U.S Federal Trademark Dilution Act of 1995(FTDA) was supposed to have expanded the scope of dilution-based trademark protection –the protection of trademark owners from actions that lessen the distinctiveness of trademarks. It broadened the scope of protected trademarks, allowed fewer types of use of trademarks by nonowners (fair-use exemptions), and reduced the burden of proof in cases of trademark infringement. Under its provisions, the owner of an obscure trademark could prevent its use in noncommercial speech without having to prove actual harm.

  In practice, the FTDA produced court decisions which significantly narrowed dilution-based trademark protection. This is because many judges found the statute, particularly its incursion into noncommercial speech, to be poor public policy (if not a violation of the U.S Constitution); they took advantage of the statute’s ambiguity language to constrain its effect. The Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006(TDRA) was passed in response.

  The TDRA is more conservative: it narrows the class of potential trademarks eligible for protection and restores pre-FTDA fair-use exemptions. Many of the cases brought under the FTDA would be filtered out by the TDRA. But because judges will follow its provision, the new law will result in court rulings more favorable for trademark owners.


  Federal Trademark Dilution Act of 1995

  Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006 (TDRA)

  Trademark dilution theory 商标稀释理论is one of the most contentious aspects of trademark law.Although Congress enacted the Federal Trademark Dilution Act (“FTDA”) in 1996, courts struggle to interpret the statutory language.The definition of dilution is unclear, and the appropriate standard for injunctive relief is hotly contested.激辩申请禁止侵权

  Additionally, no uniform framework for litigating dilution claims exists.The Supreme Court’s 2003 edict on trademark dilution in Moseley v. V Secret Catalogue, Inc. did little to quell disputes because the Court only addressed the standard of harm necessary for injunctive relief.Recently, in response to the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the FTDA in Moseley, Congress proposed an overhaul of the trademark anti-dilution law.Presently, Congress appears close to enacting the Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006 (“TDRA”).

  This note evaluates whether the proposed TDRA provides beneficial alternatives to the current definition of dilution, methodologies for analyzing claims, and standard of harm necessary for injunctive relief. Part I provides an overview of trademark law and historical highlights of trademark dilution, including the emergence of blurring and tarnishment theories. Part II investigates the inherent weaknesses of the FTDA definition of dilution, explores courts’various methodologies for analysis of dilution claims, and explains the interpretations of the standard of harm necessary for injunctive relief. Part III explains the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the FTDA and identifies statutory language changes made by the TDRA in the three areas of dilution law explored in Part II. Part IV discusses the prospective impact of the TDRA in the three areas highlighted in Part II. Part V concludes the TDRA effectively addresses the need for a clear definition of dilution and analytical framework, and presents a pragmatic standard for injunctive relief.

  Until 2006, the FTDA was distinguished from most state trademark dilution laws in several ways: (1) The FTDA protects only "famous" trademarks; most state statutes do not explicitly require trademarks to be "famous" to be protected against dilution. (2) The FTDA, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, protected only against "actual" dilution of a trademark, whereas most state statutes provided trademark owners with a remedy whenever they could show a "likelihood" of dilution. (3) The Supreme Court suggested (although it did not have occasion to hold) that the FTDA protected only against dilution by "blurring" and not against dilution by "tarnishment" (see below).

  Amendments to the FTDA took effect on October 6, 2006. The Act still protects only famous marks. However, Congress amended the act so that it expressly provides protection against a use of a mark that is "likely" to cause dilution. The new statute thus eliminates the requirement of proving "actual dilution."新的法案不要求提供actual dilution的证据,因此变得容易






  V2: 专利法案,三题,一屏整。考了法官为什么喜欢新法案(or不喜欢旧法案= =),非常确定选的是因为1996 Act serve better public policy(楼主学的就是这个,结合文章秒懂!)


  文章主旨?我选择了disuss the development of trademark. 其他都过于侧面,这个比较靠谱。

  高亮了第一段最后两个句子,问作用:第一句是说出key ways,第二句是illustrate how the key ways can be applied.

  还有一题好像跟法官有关,我记得我选择了有说good public policy的选项。


  V1:个关于专利保护法案的,就一个F法案通过了以后怎样怎样保护专利所 有人,但是说这个法案不利于法官判,后来又有个什么T法案通过了,就先缩小了到法庭打官司的范围,然后judges就很高兴。(大致意思吧,里面比较绕)

  V2:最后一篇是说美国1995年和2006年的两个关于trademark还是patent的保 护法。问题有主旨,还有一个是问法官为什么比较喜欢其中一个法。文中有说到其中一个法更保守,能先剔除一些case,选项里也有这个。现在能想到的就先这些啦...要能再想到再补充~

  V3 :鸡精里面的那个trademark,的确是有问法官为嘛更喜欢另外一个法。貌似还有第一段有两句话被highlight,然后问两句话是什么关系。

  V4:美国有一个保护trademark的政策,有several provisions,但是这些 provisions在具体法律执行的过程中遇到了一些问题,然后说了下法官在遇到这些问题时候所采取的态度

  V5: 第一段说1995年提出了个什么法来干什么。第二段说2006年又提出了个什么法,这个法使判断范围更小(有题)


  V6:第一篇是讲专利保护的机经, 考了三题 但我不确定答案是否对 特别是 文章最后一段最后一句, 是说很多公司喜欢新的2006那个法是因为新的法filter掉 很多不合适的case, 剩下的能打官司的基本都能打赢. 但问题问的是judge 为什么 喜欢新的法, 我是在第二段后半段而不是最后一段找的对应, 认为新的法有good public sth. (对应原文提到旧法的 poor public sth), 但我不确定是否正确


  1965那个旧法更宽松,公司能以各种理由提起诉讼,2006的新法范围要小,主旨题貌似应该是1965-2006年的patent法律变化,另一题问公司为什么都不喜欢旧法,应该是选大部分公司成为被告的官司要比做原告的官司多(感觉像 做洛基)

  V8 :

  1995年美国通过关于商标(trade mark)delution的一个法案,extend 这个法案的scope,大意就是为了保护商标的distinctiveness。关键句是nonholder of the trademark 可以 在noncomercial情况下可以,记不太清了,大家一定注意第一段有了个紧挨这的句子,会出细节题:第一句是解释这个法案,第二句貌似是illistration,反正我选的这个。

  下一段转折,说法官们不太喜欢这个法案,因为好像是说太宽泛,容易引发case revision。


  V9 :

  两个贸易法案,都是四个字母的缩写:一个是TDRL什么的,还有一个忘了,也是四个字母。 就记得好像是说那个法案的适用范围宽一些,另一个的要窄一些。法官们都喜欢适用范围窄的那个,好像是因为更具操作性啊什么的。(有题,问法官们为什么喜欢这个,我好想选的是他们不喜欢很sweeping的法律)。还有个主旨题。

  V10 :



  第一段说1995的一个法律出来以后,放宽了对商标保护的限制; 这样导致很多obscure的trademark owner可以去维护自己的权利;这里有题,问这里的两句话是啥作用,我选的是第一句是说一个法律的条目,第二句是举例印证别人是如何利用这些条目的。

  第二段是说2006年又出来一个法,这个法律规定适用的范围很严格,所以怎样怎样,很多人都被rule out了。所以后面考了一题是说法官为什么会喜欢后面的这个法,我选的是因为帮他们filter掉了很多那些不符合的case


  V12 :








  第二篇是专利法, 有一点很肯定的是, 问法官为什么喜欢新法? 这一题应该是一个取非题, 因为在第二段后半部, 有一句说法官不喜欢1995年的法, because 后面有两个原因, 其中第一个原因说 poor public policy , blabla插入成分, 法官的notion怎么回事, 想不起来了. 问法官喜欢新法的原因, 对这个取反, 正好有一个选项很准确的说是因为新法good public policy. no sweeping那个选项有些模糊, 应该不是答案.
