1.intersect v.相交(to cross)
词根记忆:inter+sect (切,割)--从中间切--相交
例:Clark Street and North Avenue intersect near the park.
2.intersection n.交叉点(a place or area where two or more things intersect);【数】交集 (the set of elements common to two or more sets)
例:Two runners leave at the same time from the intersection of two country roads.
3.interservice a.【军】各军种间的(existing between or relating to two or more of the armed services)
例:Passage of the bill did not bring an end to the bitter interservice disputes.
4.intersperse v.散布(to place something at intervals in or among)
例:The author interspersed useful charts throughout the book.
5.interstate a.洲际的( of, connecting, or existing between two or more states); n.美洲际公路(any of a system of expressways connecting most major United States cities)
例:Not one of the potential investors is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement is signed.
6.interstellar a.星际的(located, taking place, or traveling among the stars especially of the Milky Way galaxy)
例:the interstellar gas星际气体
7.interval n.间隔,间距(the amount of time between two specified instants, events, or states)
例:the time interval时间间隔
8.intervention n.干涉,介入(interposition)
例:Government intervention cannot affect the rate of inflation to any significant degree.
9.intestinal a.肠的(of, relating to, or constituting the intestine)
例:intestinal disease肠道疾病