1.function v.运行(to operate);起作用(to serve);n.职责(duty);作用;功能(effect)
例:The old watch can't function properly.//A major function of self-help networks is financial support.
2.fundraise n.募捐(raising money)
例:The Arnmore Laboratories and Arnmore Research Facilities were founded by Leo and Fontove Arnmore in 1989 after ten years of fundraising.
3.fungi n.(fungus的复数)真菌(any of various of types of plants without leaves ,flowers or green colouring-matter growing on other plants or decaying matter);突然发生并迅速发展的东西(something taking place suddenly and developing quickly)
例:The study shows that the death of those plants is due to insects and fungi.
4.fungus n.真菌,霉菌,菌类
例:Beneath the soil of the Malheur National Forest in eastern Oregon ,a fungus that has been slowly weaving its way through the roots of trees for centuries has become the largest single living organism known to biologists.
5.funnel n.漏斗(a utensil that is usually a hollow cone with a tube extending from the smaller end and that is designed to catch and direct a downward flow):v.汇集,集中(to move to a focal point)
注意:tunnel (n.隧道)
例:Mary funneled all her efforts into her studies.
6.furnace n.熔炉( an enclosed structure in which heat is produced(as for heating a house or for reducing ore)
例:This furnace is used to melt the iron that will be made into steel.//blast furnace鼓风机
7.tuse v.熔化,熔融 (to reduce to a liquid or plastic state by heat);融台(to combine, to become blended or joined)
例: Wynton and Branford Marsalis, brothers who have fused the complex rhythms of contemporary jazz with the rollicking musical legacy of their hometown, are fitting symbols of the New Orleans jazz revival.
派生词: fusion( n.融合:熔化 )
8.fusion n.融合(a union by or as if by melting);聚变(union of atomic nuclear)
例:Stars like the Sun can continue to shine steadily for billions of years because its light and heat are produced by nuclear fusion.
9.futile a.无益的(worthless);无用的(useless)
例:The mayor's futile gestures to the angry citizens only angered them further.