1.facilitate v.(使)容易,促进(to make easier, help bring about)
例:The function of capital markets is to facilitate an exchange of funds among all participants.
2.facility n.设施,设备(sth. that makes an action, operation, or course of conduct easier);容易,灵巧(ease in performance)
例:Wind farms require more land per unit of electricity generated than any other type of electrical—generation facdity.
3.faction n.派系,派别(a party or group)
例:the radical faction激进派
4.factor n.因素(ingredient);【数】因子(any of the numbers or symbols in mathe-matics that when multiplied together form a product)
例:Output is a major factorin GDP.
5.faculty n.全体教员(all the lecturers, etc. in an educational institution);(大学的)系(department or group of related departments in a university, etc.);才能(ability)
例:Jane is a member of the faculty at the local universitlt.//The village schoolmaster encourages children to use their faculties of obseNation as much as possible.
6.faith n.信任(trust);信仰(belief)
例:Even during the war,I kept faith in the government.
7.fallow a.休耕的(plowed but left unseeded during a growing season)
例:The farmers leave a few fields fallow every year.
8.falsify v.篡改(to alter a record, etc. fraudulently);说谎(to tell falsehoods; to lie)
例:In 1978 a national study found that not only had many contractors licensed by a self-policing private guild failed to pass qualifying exams,but they had also falsified their references.
9.fatal a.致命的(causing death)
词根记忆:fat( =fate命运)+al--要命的--致命的
例:During the 1630's smallpox, the disease was most fatal to the Native American people.
10.fatality n.死亡(事故)(death resulting from a disaster)
词根记忆:fat( =fate命运)+alit)r--夺命--死亡(事故)
例:The rate of automobile fatalititas in our country is very high.