1.entrapment n.诱捕的行动(或过程)(the action of luring)
例:Federal agents used entrapment to catch the senator committing a crime.
2.entrepreneur n.企业家:承包人(one who organizes manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise)
例:This program enabled many minorit}c entrepreneurs to form new businesses.
3.entrepreneurship n.企业家精神(spirit of entrepreneuer)
例:Entrepreneurship and small business administration is now the fastest-growing major in business schools.
4.entry n.进入(the act of entering);入口(entrance);登记(the act of making a record)
例:entry tickets入场券//ls there a back entry into the house?
5.enumerate v.列举,枚举( to count, to list)
例:The errors are too many to enume,ate.
6.envelop v.笼罩,包住(to enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering)
例:Swirling snow enveloped the hikers.
7.envelope n.信封(a flat usually paper container);【天】包层(coma)
例:stellar envelope恒星包层
8.enwsion v.想像(think)
联想记忆:en+vis(看)+ion --用心去看--想像
例:The automaker envisions that customers initially attracted by the discounts may become loyal customers.
9.enzyme n.酵素,酶(organic chemical substance that is formed in living cells and assists chemical changes( e.g. in digestion) without being changed itself)
例:The amino acid sequences of various enzymes tend to be typically prokaryotic(原核的)or eukaryotic(真核的).
10.epic n.史诗;叙事诗(a long narrative poem in elevated stitle recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical hero)
例:It is still not widely known that American Indians have epics.