1.duplicate a.复制的(being the same as another);n.复制品(an additional copy of something already in a collection)a.复制的(to makea copy of);重复(to do again often needlessly)
例:Cyprus(塞浦路斯)would become the primary source of marketable duplicate artifacts.//The secretar}t dupkcated the documents for her boss.
2.duplication n.复制(the act or process of duplicating);副本(counterpart)
例:This priority might often lead them to be less vigilant in streamlining their services-eliminating duplication between departments, for instance.
3.durability n.经久,耐久性(existing for a long time without significant deterioration)
例:Nylons have the virtue of durability.
4.duration n.持续,持久(continuance in time)
例:The brightening of such a star is observed to be of shorter duration than the brightening of neighboring stars.
5.dwarf n.矮子(a person of unusually small stature);v.(使)变矮小(to cause to appear smaller or to seem inferior)
例:white dwarf star白矮星//The giant oak dwarfed the seedling.
6.dwelling n.住处,寓所(residence)
例:For protection from the summer sun, the Mojave lived in open-sided, flat-topped dwellings.
7.dwindle v.变小(to diminish, to shrink, to decrease)
例:Contrary to financial analysts' predictions last year that the market for home computers would dwindle, the personal computer industry continued to show strong growth in the first quarter of this year.
8.dye n.染料(a substance used to color materials);v.给…染色(to color,especially by soaking in a coloring solution)
例:Dyes can be made from plants or from chemicals.//Each of the eggs in the bowl is dyed red, green, or blue.
9.dynamic n.动力(an underlying cause of change or growth);[常pl.]动态(a pattern or process of change, growth, or activity)
例:market dynamics市场活力//population dynamics人口动态
10.ease v.缓和(to alleviate);n.不费力(effortlessness)
例:The drugs eased my pain.//She picked up her second gold medal with ridiculous ease.