1.discordn.不和,纷争(strife, conflict)
例:international discord国际争端
2.discount v.忽视(to disregard);打折(to sell or offer for sale at a reduced price)n.折扣 (a reduction from the full or standard amount of a price or debt)
例:Many scholars discount the role of public policy when explaining employers' maternity leave policies.//discount stores折扣店
3.discrepancy n.差异(difference);矛盾(the quality or state of being discrepant)
例:There was a discrepancy in the two reports of the accident.
4.discrete a.个别的(individually distinct);不连续的(noncontinuous)
例:The American classical virtue stressed civic duty and made the whole community greater than its discrete parts. ll Digital recordings reduce the original sound to a series of discrete numbers.
5.discretion n.谨慎(the quality of being discreet);审慎(prudence)
例:Ten years ago physicians were allowed more discretion.
6.discretionary a.自由决定的(exercised at one's own discretion);可随意使用的(available for use as needed or desired)
例:discretionary powers自主行事的权力//You may be eligible for a discretionary grant for your university course.
7.discriminate v.(against)歧视(to look down upon sb./sth.);辨别(to distinguish)
例:lt's totally wrong to discriminate against women.//We must learn to discnminate right from wrong.
8.disdainful a.轻蔑的,鄙视的(scomful and contemptuous)
词根记忆:来自disdain( v./n.鄙视,蔑视)
例:He's disdainful of anyone who is from America.
9.disenchanted a.不再着迷的,不抱有幻想的(disappointed, dissatisfied)
例:Little Tom quickly became disenchanted with his new toy.
10.disenfranchise v.剥夺…的公民权(to deprive of a franchise)
词根记忆:disenfranchise=disfranchise, dis(剥夺)+franchise(选举权)--剥夺选取权--剥夺…的公民权
例:White supremacists devised new methods to disenfranchise Negroes.