1.claim n.声称(assertion);v.声称(to assert);认领(to take as the rightful owner):索取(to ask for especially as a right)
例:Many of the economists claim that the government's plan has been successful.,,She persuaded Charles VII of France to claim his throne.
2.clan n.部落;氏族( group of families descended from a common ancestor)
例:matrilineal dans母系氏族
3.clandestine a.秘密的,暗中从事的(secret)
例:The demand for the clandestine product would be substantially reduced.
4.clarity v.澄清(to make clear, to free of confusion)
例:The explanation clarrfied the details of the plan.
5.clarity n.清楚,明晰(the quality or state of being clear)
例:Many writers of modern English have acquired careless habits that damage the clarity of their prose.
6.classify v.分类(to arrange in classes);归类(to assign to a category)
例:The pterosaurs(翼龙)should be classrhbd as birds, not reptiles.