GMAT考试词汇精选(MP3+文本) 第41期:Unit6-1
日期:2015-08-11 21:11


1.cardiovascular a.心血管的


例:cardiovascular response心血管反应

2.cargo n.货物(freight)


例:cargo planes货机

3.caribou n.北美驯鹿(reindeer)

例:Caribou are wary animals with excellent hearing.

4.carnivore n.肉食动物(flesh-eating animal)


例:The older an individual camivoreis.the more likely it is to have a large number of tooth fractures.


5.carpenter n.木匠(worker who builds or repairs wooden structures)


例:The materials available to carpenters working before 1930 were not significantly different in quality from the materials available to carpenters working after 1930.


6.carpentry n.木器,木工手艺:c木]木工业(the art or trade of a carpenter)

例:I have visited hotels throughout the country and have noticed that in those built before 1930 the quality of the original carpentry work is generally superior to that in hotels built afterward.


7.carpet n.地毯(a heavy often tufted fabric used as a floor covering);v.铺地毯(to furnish with a carpet)

例:The carpet of the Cormond Hotel's lobby is not the most durable carpet that Duratex manufactures.

8.carpeting n.毛毯,地毯(a heavy often tufted fabric used as a floor covering)


例:The carpet that is being used to replace carpeting near the other lobb entrances is not Duratex carpet.

9.cartel n.卡特尔(为协调生产、价格和商品市场而组成的独立的商业组织联合体)(group of business firms which combine to control production and marketing and to avoid competing with one another)

例:Formal price-fixing by cartels and informal price-fixing by agreements covering the members of an industry are commonplace.

10.cascade n.小瀑布(a steep usually small fall of water)


例:When a neutrino interacts with a particle in an atom of seawater, the resutt is a cascade of electrically charged particles.

