GMAT考试词汇精选(MP3+文本) 第36期:Unit5-4
日期:2015-08-05 16:51


1.budworm n.蚜虫(a moth lan,a that feeds on the buds of pIants)


例:The drop in the popuIation of the spruce 6udwD,m is expected to be Only tempOrary.

2.buffalo n.水牛;北美野牛(any of seVeral wild boVids)


例:These researchers have overlooked the economic impact of rural development projects that improVe people's daily lives at the village level-such as the cooperative raising of water buffalo.

3.buffer n.缓冲物(a means or device used as a cushion against the shock of fluctuations in business or financial activity)


例:buffer stock调节性库存储备,//buffer funds缓冲基金

4.bulge v.膨胀(to swe¨);凸出(to bend outvvard)

例:Our stomachs bulged after we ate too much.

5.bulk n.主体,绝大部分(main or greater part)


例:The bulk of the health—care dollar is spent on the illnesses of some signiflcance.

6.buoyant a.有浮力的(showing buoyancy);快乐的(cheerful)

例:The relative low density of the hottest rock makes that material buoyant.

派生词:buoyantly( ad.心情愉悦地;有浮力地);buoyancy(n.浮力;轻快)

7.burden n.负担(load, duty, obligation);v.加重压于(to oppress)

例:tax burden税负

8.bureau n.(政府机构的)局,部,处(a specialized administrative unit)



9.burglarize v.破门盗窃(to enterlbuilding in order to steal)


例:It is against the law to burglarize people's homes.


10.burrow n.洞穴(a hole in the ground made by an animal, such as a rabbit, for shelter and habitation);v.挖洞(make sth. by digging)

例:These rats stay in burrows during the hot part of the day.
