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日期:2014-12-29 11:10


1. 气味广告【考古确认中..】+【疑似原文】

  by 675099125 V21



  q1 下列哪种现象与文中视觉那个类似


  A. 梨子的味道和绿色

  B. 车厘子的味道和红色

  D. 鲜花的味道和一种花的颜色

  E. 咖啡的味道和小麦色 (我选的这个,C看不懂,D不确定,这个应该不像吧= =)


  42 气味广告


  越來越多廣告商會在紙張廣告裡面加一些香味,因為他們覺得這樣可以 吸引客人,在香水、CD等廣告中特別是如此, 但是一些跟香味無關的像是奢侈汽車也同樣加入香味。





  Q1 文章中提到嗅覺會受外在影響,下列哪個如同文章中的例子會受影響?


  Q2 文章裡可以推論出下列什麼?


  Q3 主旨題,問這篇文章的重點是?

  V2:现在有越来越多的广告商开始在自己的广告宣传页上加香味,但是很少有人关注这种香味对于顾客emotion的影响(有题)。有研究表明,相对于气味,人们对于visual的东东更容易recognize。(有题)而且,实验发现,相对于从红色的液体中散发出来的lemon的气味,人们更容易recognize从黄色液体中发出来的lemon 的气味。 此外,在人们主观地认为又某种气味存在的时候,他们就会闻到这种气味,即使这种气味其实根本不存在。

  V3: 广告商在广告中运用香味


  广告商越来越多的在广告中运用香味scent,做宣传册,或者海报之类的。这个是阐述一个现象。然后however,转折。survey showed customers 对香味的识别度不高。 第一,广告中用香味,不如用画面或声音效果好。 嗅觉只能分辨出百分之40-50的香味。(有考点,从文中你可以infer出什么,我选画面比嗅觉分辨度高)。第二,当这种香味与背景香味很相似的时候,分辨度也低。然后举了个例子,lemon香味在一片黄色的啥啥中分辨不出来。(没仔细看,没用)。(这个有考点,问下列哪个的香味是the least 被分辨出的.然后文中接着说,但是广告商依旧青睐在广告中运用香味,然后是阐述广告的香味的好处....有大概2-3行。

  V4开头despite theolfactory advertising trends。。。—解释内容(好像是说olfactory能使心情愉悦)—attentionon it还是很少。来了个however,说olfactory 的效果不如visual和uara(忘了怎么拼了)可以测量。还说要有特定的环境才能有效果,举例说lemon味在黄色的物品下比红色的更容易被分辨。又说在闻到味之前consumer的心情就被影响了。Nevertheless,olfactory advertising还是有独特的一面的。

  1. 问那种olfactory 最不容易被分辨出,狗主人选的是coffee味在wheat田里非常肯定。 By uupigyu318



  然后第二段吧好像,忘了分没分段了,暂且当分了。举例子说,做实验,给人们一杯黄色的和红色的水,然后说柠檬味,人们就都想的是黄色的那个。后面有题,问哪个的比喻方式和这个是一样的。有两个选项说的都是和食物有关的,有一个是说Pine,给的是绿色的液体。记得是。狗主选的是,说的是皮革,给的是车- -

  V6开头despite the olfactory advertising trends。。。—解释内容(好像是说olfactory能使心情愉悦)—attentionon it还是很少。来了个however,说olfactory 的效果不如visual和uara(忘了怎么拼了)可以测量。还说要有特定的环境才能有效果,举例说lemon味在黄色的物品下比红色的更容易被分辨。又说在闻到味之前consumer的心情就被影响了。Nevertheless,olfactory advertising还是有独特的一面的。

  1. 问那种olfactory 最不容易被分辨出,狗主人选的是coffee味在wheat田里非常肯定。 By uupigyu318


  Executional cues have been the focus of much advertising research. Visual cues (pictures) and aural cues (music) have been studied extensively, yet virtually no attention has been paid to the influence of olfactory cues in advertising despite the growing trend among advertisers to use scentsin ads. Scents often have been used in advertisements for products in which scent is a primary attribute (e.g., perfumes, room fresheners) and, when used in that context, are a form of sampling. However, scents have also been usedfor products for which scent has been considered largely irrelevant. Forinstance, Tanqueray gin ran a pine-scented ad in USA Today, Rolls Royce advertised its cars in Architectural Digest using leather-scented strips, andt he State of Utah

  used floral- and spice-scented panels in a four-page tourism ad. Though such uses may be intended simply as novelties, research suggests that ordor can influence mood state and affect judgment. Therefore, the use of scents inadvertising warrants attention.

  Odors differ in several ways from the pictures and sounds more familiar to advertising researchers. Compared to visual and aural cues, odors are difficult to recognize, are relatively difficult to label, may produce false alarms and create placebo effects. Schab (1991), in a review of the literature, concluded that the ability to attach a name to a particular odor is so limited that individuals, on average, can identify only 40% to 50% of odors in a battery of common odors. Additionally, consumer ability to detect and recognize odors is influenced by surrounding cues (Davis

  1981). For example, a consumer is more likely to recognize a lemon scent when the scent is contained in a yellow liquid than when it is contained in a red liquid. Third, false alarms, perceiving an odor when in reality no odor is present, are relatively common (Engen 1972). Finally, researchers have shown that both emotional and physical states can be affected just by believing an odor is present. The odorant itself need not be present (Knasko, Gilbert, andSabini 1990). That finding suggests placebo effects.

  Despite the difficulties, olfactory cues hold appeal to advertisers working inan already cluttered environment. Olfactory responses are primarily autonomic,affecting a person physiologically before affecting cognition. Odors stimulate the limbic system, the part of the brain responsible for emotional responses.Thus, olfaction represents a different path to the consumer than is afforded byother types of cues.题目


  2)文中对‘ the growing trend ’一词划线,问它只什么,答案应该就是广告人增加在广告中使用气味。

  3)a consumer is more likely to recognize a lemon scent when the scent is contained in a yellowliquid than when it is contained in a red liquid.

  题目是进行类比(注意题目问哪个跟那个比喻不相关),答案中有个是看见咖啡,想起小麦田(wheat farm)好像。

  4)Compared t ovisual and aural cues, odors are difficult to recognize, are relatively difficult to label, may produce false alarms and create placebo effects。

  这句话有考题,问关于visual and aural cues,答案应该是visual and aural cues are easier to recognize and label.
