◆ Frank’s build, LIKE his brother, is broad and muscular.
上面的例句中用Frank’s build 和 his brother 进行比较,这在逻辑意义上不平行。所以正确的应该是:
◆ Frank’s build, LIKE his brother’s, is broad and muscular. 或者:
◆ Frank, LIKE his brother, has a broad and muscular build.
上面的例子中我们可以使用that 来代替build ,而如果是复数的话就要用those 来替换:
◆ Frank’s toes, LIKE THOSE of his brother, are short and hairy.
◆ I like to run through forests more than I enjoy walking through crowds.
上面的例子中run through forests 和walking through crowds 两个比较对象并不平行。To run 作为不定式,而walking 则是作为一个名词来使用,所以正确的可以写成:
◆ I like running through forests MORE THAN walking through crowds.
Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil than they were last year.
A. Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil than they were
B. Heating-oil prices are expected to rise higher this year over last because refiners pay about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did
C. Expectations are for heating-oil prices to be higher this year than last year's because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did
D. It is the expectation that heating-oil prices will be higher for this year over last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil now than what they were
E. It is expected that heating-oil prices will rise higher this year than last year's because refiners pay about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did
A 正确,比较对象平行
B 比较级固定搭配用higher than,不用over; more的位置不能随意改变,应该紧跟barral
C this year 和last year's 不平行;did 和 are 不对等;more的位置不能随意改变,应该紧跟barral;Expectations are for heating-oil prices 不够简洁
D It is the expectation that 啰嗦,能够用动词表达的不要用名词; 比较级固定搭配用higher than,不用over; now错误的修饰了oil; what多余,此处比较的是两个动作,不是名词性短语;第一个for多余
E It is expected that 啰嗦;this year 和last year's 不平行;more的位置不能随意改变,应该紧跟barral
看完句子,发现than 存在this year 和 last year 付钱问题,所以发现they 后面的动词要用be动词,与are paying 平行。所以BCE 错了。
接着看D than后面有个what they were what 多余了,前面是refiners