日期:2015-05-29 18:02


第I卷 (共103分)
I.Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1.A. Chinatown.B. Columbia University.
C. The Empire State Building.D. The United Nations Building.
2.A. In a book shop.B. At the hairdresser’s.
C. At a booking office.D. At a French gallery.
3.A. Professor and student.B. Lecturer and listener.
C. Interviewer and interviewee.D. Librarian and reader.
4.A. Warm. B. Cold.
C. Mild.D. Foggy.
5.A. $21.B. $80.
C. $400.D. $640.
6.A. Jog outdoors.B. Write a poem on spring breeze.
C. Relax without doing anything.D. Join the man at the gym.
7.A. They don’t sell lipstick to customers with a particular demand.
B. They don’t have the particular lights that the woman wants.
C. They have lipstick in a lighter shade but of different brand.
D. The color of the particular lipstick is a little bit too light.
8.A. Watching TV and videos.B. Communicating with parents.
C. Having substitute teachers.D. Getting involved in video games.
9.A. Mr Bush was promoted to be the sales manager.
B. The colleagues in the sales department hate Mr Bush.
C. Mr Bush enjoyed working in the sales department.
D. Mr Bush doesn’t like his new position very much.
10.A. She knows the result.B. The result is within her expectation.
C. The result ruined her enjoyment.D. She doesn’t care who won.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
11.A. 70,000 tons.B. 2,000,000 tons.
C. 2030 tons.D. Not mentioned.
12.A. Most farmers were infected with diseases.
B. Cocoa farmers lack professional training.
C. The global consumption is increasing every year.
D. Cocoa trees are growing more slowly because of the weather.
13.A. The world is running out of chocolate.
B. Cocoa farmers are looking for other jobs.
C. Eating too much chocolate is not good for health.
D. Asian people are eating more and more chocolate.
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
14.A. To tell the purpose of learning history.
B. To explain the history of education.
C. To criticize students’ history study habits.
D. To present a new approach to history education.
15.A. By asking questions about the future.
B. By studying in the traditional method.
C. By looking for answers to present-day problems.
D. By memorizing historic facts.
16.A. Predict the future.B. Memorize details.
C. Raise critical questions.D. Demonstrate the link between past and future.

Section C

Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
Things needed for a student visa
Evidence of ??_____17_____ status for five years
Documents relating to _____18_____
_____19_____ showing the result of language test
Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.
Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Why was Julia afraid to go into the city center at night?Because the police haven’t _____21_____.
Why did people show great concern for the local girl?She was dying of a _____22_____.
What did her parents do to help their daughter?They tried to _____23_____ to have her treated.

How did Julia feel when she learned a man won a lottery(彩票)?She felt _____24_____.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

When the British 13-year-old Cassidy arrived at school in her uniform on Nov. 5th, she (25) _____ (stop). She had to go home for “wearing the wrong uniform”. What was wrong? It turned out to be her black pumps(轻便鞋).
Her school, Hanson Academy in the UK, began a new dress code on Nov. 4. The (26) _____ (require) uniform includes a blazer, a tie, and tailored trousers. If that sounds fine to you, there’s more.
Students can’t wear jumpers, jackets or coats indoors. Also, girls and boys (27) _____ wear black leather shoes and black socks. Sports shoes are not allowed. (28) _____ the first three days of the new rule, about 200 students were sent home.
(29)_____ there was mixed feedback from students and parents, school headmaster Elizabeth Churton said rules were an important part of growing up. “What we wear and how we wear our clothes is all part and parcel of the way (30) _____ _____ we communicate with each other.” she told the BBC.
Strict school uniform rules (31) _____ (become) increasingly common in recent years in the UK. In June, 250 girls at Ryde Academy were taken out of class because their skirts were “too short”. The US is seeing the same trend. More than half of US public schools now have strict dress codes, USA Today said.
Do you dislike your uniform? Well, at least you can still keep your favorite sports shoes.

Charity is the voluntary giving of help, usually in the form of money, to people in need. Traditionally, Chinese have not been open-handed when it comes to (32) _____ (give) money to strangers: money is meant (33) _____ (stay) in the family. But three teenagers are setting an example for others to try to change that attitude.
Two brothers, along with their friend, have taken all the money they have saved over the past ten years, a total of 500,000 yuan, and set up a charity to help poor students in rural areas.
This is (34) _____ unusually generous gesture when you compare charitable donation in China with (35) _____ in the U.S. Chinese individuals give just $8 a year to charity, (36) _____ American individuals gives $1,000 a year. And in the past year, charitable donations in China have actually fallen by 17% according to the Chinese Social Science Academy.
This last statistic may have something to do with the scandals (丑闻) that have surrounded some of the big charities in China such as the Guo Meimei scandal (37) _____(involve) the Red Cross. Chinese donors want to be sure (38) _____ their money is being spent wisely.
That is (39) _____ the three boys have set up their own charity. Now they can control how the money is spent and they are learning about responsibility and how to operate a charity. (40) _____ (importantly), they are also showing that young people can lead the way in helping those in need to have a better life.

Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. conveying B. objective C. complexity D. rewarding E. victim F. impact
G. confused H. effective I. published J. unavailability K. adding
Friendly doctors are bad for their patients' health, researchers have warned as a new study revealed two thirds of young medics struggle to be truthful with patients they like.
Blurring(模糊)the lines between social and professional relationships can __41__ on the level of care offered and prevent patients from being honest about important side effects. Doctors should avoid __42__ patients as friends on Facebook, and they should not hug or allow patients to call them by their first names, regulators have warned.
It comes as a survey of 338 oncologists(肿瘤医师)under the age of 40, __43__ in The Lancet Oncology, found 59 per cent said they found it difficult to tell the truth to those patients they liked. Sixty per cent of respondents said if doctors felt too close to their patients, it could prevent them from making __44__ decisions about a person’s care.
Lesley Fallowfield, of Brighton and Sussex Medical School, said: “Oncology is a specialty that can be enormously __45__ but is filled with challenges. Young oncologists have to master dealing with anxious patients who are facing a life-threatening disease; __46__ the true prediction; discussing the __47__ of modern treatments; and explaining the __48__ of some drugs and the side-effects of treatment.”
But she said for those doctors who have entered the profession in the age of the ‘cyber world’, are more likely to fall __49__ to breaking the professional boundaries with patients.
She said: “The difficulty, if you hug and kiss patients, if you allow them to call you by your first name, is that quickly the relationship can become __50__ as a social one rather than a professional one.”

III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

You may have been told before not to be afraid of anything. Fear is often associated with weakness. Fear is something to be __51__.
But that’s not true, according to Time For Kids magazine. Fear can be good for us.
Fear tells us about __52__. Without fear, we wouldn’t know to run away from a tiger or step back from a cliff.
In a study published in the Justice Quarterly Journal in August, researchers from Michigan State University said that a healthy fear of crime keeps teenagers away from __53__ dangerous people, places, and activities.
Fear makes us jump, scream and sweat. But __54__, sometimes we make ourselves feel fear __55__. Think about scary books and movies, and also the long lines for a scary roller coaster ride (过山车). Margee Kerr, a US sociologist, explained why to Time For Kids. Fear __56__ our brain with __57__ chemical substances, especially endorphins and dopamine(内啡肽和多巴胺), and these things create feelings of happiness and __58__ us, according to Kerr.
__59__, when you’re scared, your body produces a chemical which helps people __60__with each other. “Watch people walking out of a haunted house (鬼屋), and you’ll see lots of smiles and high fives,” Kerr told Time For Kids. That also explains why schools and companies organize __61__ trips and physical activities to __62__ team spirit.
People experience and deal with fear in different ways. If you happen to be a “coward”(胆小鬼)who gets scared easily, don’t worry. There is some evidence that being scared can help a person __63__ stressful situations. Kerr said that things like giving a presentation in front of your class or performing in a school play help build a sort of __64__ to fear that makes us more confident. “You become more comfortable with the physical experience of fear, and so you’re better able to work through it during __65__ situations,” said Kerr.
So learn to love your fear. It only grows when we forget how helpful our fear is trying to be.
51. A. recommended B. avoided C. suspected D. investigated
52. A. disadvantage B. courage C. danger D. adventure
53. A. potentially B. beneficially C. unfortunately D. unconsciously
54. A. undoubtedly B. personally C. interestingly D. positively
55. A. in advance B. in public C. at random D. on purpose
56. A. connects B. combines C. spoils D. fills
57. A. healthy B. harmful C. poisonous D. sensitive
58. A. worry B. excite C. depress D. disappoint
59. A. On the contrary B. In other words C. For example D. In addition
60. A. argue B. unite C. fight D. compete
61. A. relaxing B. inviting C. challenging D. imposing
62. A. build up B. put down C. take over D. make out
63. A. adapt B. manage C. skip D. experience
64. A. endurance B. devotion C. objection D. tendency
65. A. regular B. embarrassing C. ridiculous D. tense

Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

Sixth-grader Ivory Kelly finished up an English assignment at the blackboard. Then ... Ping! Ping! He felt something hitting his head. The 12-year-old knew just who was dissing him. He turned around and shouted at DeAngela Byrd. DeAngela claimed she was innocent. Then she called Ivory a “guinea pig.” “Hosemouth!” he shouted back. Their teacher, Linda Mann, didn’t send them to the principal. She didn’t even make them stand in the hall. Instead, she sent them to work things out in a small storage room. The room is Glengarry Elementary’s mediation center (调解中心).
Mediation in school is a way to solve conflicts without having teachers punish students. Kids called mediators are trained to listen to classmates accused of misbehaving or fighting. Without taking sides, the mediators help troubled kids come up with their own solutions. It usually takes no more than 15 minutes.
At Glengarry, 30 students from third through sixth grades are trained to settle fights. After calmly discussing the attack and name calling with sixth-grade mediators, Michael Reese and Tracie Thacker, Ivory and DeAngela signed a promise “not to mess with each other.”
Many U.S. elementary schools are starting to give kids more responsibility for discipline. In the past 10 years, one-tenth of the nation’s 86,000 public schools have started programs to resolve conflicts, mostly in middle or high schools. But educators want to begin more mediation programs sooner. They say elementary-age kids are even better at talking about their feelings and deciding on a fair solution than older kids are! When a teacher or principal is not involved, “kids talk more freely,” says Glengarry Principal Loraine Johnson.
So far, mediation seems to work well. In one survey of 115 Ohio elementary schools with mediation programs, two out of three noted a decrease in fights, and more than half said fewer kids were being sent to the principal’s office. In New Mexico, reports of bad behavior in elementary schools have dropped 85% since mediation programs began.
66.The underlined word “dissing” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. attemptingB. insulting
C. invadingD. interrupting
67.Students trained in the mediation ______.
A. are neutral, never taking sides
B. provide a solution for the troubled kids
C. accuse students of misbehaving or fighting
D. decide on the punishment for misbehaving students
68.Which of the following statements is false?
A. Teachers are not mediators and won’t give judgments.
B. Mediation programs in schools seem to reduce misbehavior.
C. Elementary-age children are able to solve conflicts among schoolmates.
D. Mediation programs encourage students to work with teachers to solve conflicts.
69.What’s the best title for the passage?
A. Don’t Mess with Each OtherB. A Drop in Misbehavior
C. Keep the Grownups Out of ItD. Stricter Discipline Promotes Behavior

Public buses
The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) is charged with providing bus service to people living and working in Bangkok and the nearby provinces (i.e. Nothaburi, Pathum Thani, Samut Sakhon, Samut Prakan and Nakhon Pathom Provinces). As of February, 2005, the BMTA operated a total of 113 routes, served by 3,526 buses, of which 1,665 were regular buses and 1,861 air-conditioned buses. There were also privately-owned buses operated under the BMTA with a total of 3,535 regular and air-conditioned buses and 1,067 minibuses including 2,325 small buses which provide services in lanes. An average of 3.4 million people use these services daily.
Types of Buses and Fares
TypeBus ColorFareService Time
Regular busCream-Red7 baht05:00-23:00
Regular busWhite-Blue8 baht05:00-23:00
Expressway busCream-Red9 baht05:00-23:00
All-night service busCream-Red8.50baht23:00-05:00
Air conditioned busCream-Blue11 13 15 17 19 baht
(depending on the distance)05:00-23:00
EURO-II busYellow-Orange12 14 16 18 20 22 24 baht
(depending on the distance)05:00-23:00
Fare Exemptions(免票)
The following passengers are eligible for bus fare exemptions:
1.BMTA bus inspectors
2.Buddhist monks and novices
3.Mailmen in uniform while on duty
4. Holders of BMTA employee ID cards
Half-Price Concessions (优惠)
The following passengers are eligible for half-price fares when using the service of regular buses.
1.The blind with a certificate from the Association of the Blind.
2.Soldiers and policemen in uniform
3.Holders of official certificates or medals as specified by the Regulation on Bus Fare
Concession at the exact rates specified by the Transport Control
Victory Medal (Off-spring后代 of holders of this medal are also entitled.)
European Royal Medal
Border Service Medal
Free-Man Protection Medal
Non-active War Veterans Classes 1 2 3 and 4.
Fare Concessions for Air-conditioned Buses
Holders of the following official certificates and medals are eligible for air-conditioned bus fare reductions.
1.Victory Medal (Off-spring of this medal are also entitled)
2.Border Service Medal
3.Free-Man Protection Medal
4.European Royal War Medal
5.Non-active War Veterans Classes 1 2 3 and 4
6.BTMA Employee ID cards
Regular Fare Reduced Fare
12 Baht 8Baht
14 Baht 10 Baht
16 Baht 11 Baht
18 Baht 13 Baht
20 Baht 14 Baht
22 Baht 15 Baht
24 Baht 17 Baht
Search for bus route here
@ Bangkok Tourism Division
70. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Buses in Bangkok are of the same size.
B. At least 3.4 million people take a bus every day.
C. BMTA provides city buses and inter-provincial bus service.
D. Buses operated under the BMTA are owned by individuals.
71.Jonny sees a cream-blue bus coming. It must be ______.
A. a regular busB. an air-conditioned bus
C. a night-service busD. an expressway bus
72.______ needn’t pay fares on a regular bus.
A. A grandson of a Victory Medal holder
B. A postman, together with his family
C. A blind person with a medical certificate
D. A BMTA inspector with his employee card
73.How much should a soldier in uniform pay when he takes a white-blue bus?
A. 4bahtB. 5.50baht
C. 7bahtD. 8baht

We all dream of living a long, happy life, but where are the happiest places in the world?
A new map of 151 countries has revealed exactly which parts of the globe deliver long and happy lives for their citizens. The results may surprise you, with Costa Rica, Colombia and Vietnam topping the league. The UK features at position 44 - higher than Germany (47), Spain (62), Canada (65), Australia (76) and the US (105).
The map was made by the relocation website Movehub, using data from the latest Happy Planet Index (HPI) - a global measure of sustainable wellbeing(可持续幸福).
The HPI measures life expectancy(平均寿命), the level of well-being experienced and ecological(生态的) footprint. Each of the three aspects is given a traffic-light score based on thresholds for good (green), middling (amber) and bad (red) performance. These scores are combined to an expanded six-color traffic light for the overall HPI score, where, to achieve bright green – the best of the six colors, a country would have to perform well on all three individual components.
Experienced well-being: This was assessed using a question called the ‘Ladder of Life’. This asks respondents to imagine a ladder, where 0 represents the worst possible life and 10 the best possible life, and report the step of the ladder they feel they currently stand on.
Life expectancy: Alongside experienced well-being, the Happy Planet Index includes a universally important measure of health – life expectancy. We used life expectancy data from the 2011 UNDP Human Development Report.
Ecological Footprint: The HPI uses the Ecological Footprint promoted by the environmental charity WWF as a measure of resource consumption. It is a per capita(人均) measure of the amount of land required to sustain a country’s consumption pattern.
Two of the three main factors are directly about happiness. The third (Ecological footprint) is regarded as sustainable happiness. i.e. whether a country could sustain its citizens without any outside help. The idea is that if there was an incident which cut a country completely off from the outside world, or a country had to be completely self-sufficient, most of the developed world would be unable to do that.
The reason for some high-income nations to score significantly below other nations is the ecological footprint left on the planet. Mexicans and Canadians both appear to be happier than their US neighbor - most likely due to the country's ecological footprint.
74.According to the passage, the happiest places in the world are countries ______.
A. which deliver long, happy and sustainable lives for the people
B. which offer good medical care to help people live longer
C. which are wealthy enough to provide free social services
D. whose citizens are leading a happy and luxurious life
75.If a country whose traffic-light score of the experienced well-being is red, it means that ______.
A. people there are happy with their present situation
B. people’s previous life was much better
C. people are not very satisfied with their life
D. most people choose to be on the top of the ladder
76.What do the two underlined words “This” refer to?
A. Experienced well-being; A real ladder.
B. Experienced well-being; The question.
C. The Happy Planet Index (HPI);The “Ladder of Life”.
D. The individual component; The researcher.
77.If the U.S. footprint per capita is 9.0 gha(全球公顷), while that of Switzerland is 5.6 gha, we can conclude that ______.
A. people in the U.S. are happier than those in Switzerland
B. the U.S is less dependent on outside help than Switzerland
C. the land in U. S. is more productive than that in Switzerland
D. people in U.S. consume more natural resources than those in Switzerland

Section C
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

Speed-reading is a crucial skill in the Internet age. We skim over articles, e-mails and tweets to try to grasp key words and the essential meaning of a certain text. Bombarded with information from our electronic devices, it would be impossible to cope if we read word by word, line by line.
But a new trend calls on people to unplug and enjoy reading slowly, using the linear pattern, left-to-right sequence.
A recent story from The Wall Street Journal reported on a book club in Wellington, New Zealand, where members meet in a cafe and turn off their smartphones. They sink into cozy chairs and read in silence for an hour.
Unlike traditional book clubs, the point of the Slow Reading Club isn’t exchanging ideas about a certain book, but to get away from electronic devices and read in a quiet, relaxed environment. According to the Journal, the Wellington Book Club is just one example of a movement initiated by book lovers who miss the old-fashioned way of reading before the Internet and smartphones.
Slow readers, such as The Atlantic’s Maura Kelly, say a regular reading habit sharpens the mind, improves concentration, reduces stress levels and deepens the ability to empathize(有同感,起共鸣).
Some of these benefits have been backed up by science. For example, a study of 300 elderly people published by the journal Neurology last year showed that regular engagement in intellectual activities like reading slowed the rate of memory loss later in life.
Another study published last year in Science showed that reading novels helps people understand others’ mental states and beliefs, a crucial skill in building relationships.
Slow reading means a return to an uninterrupted, linear pattern, in a quiet environment free of distractions. Aim for 30 minutes a day, advises Kelly from The Atlantic. “You can squeeze in that half hour pretty easily if only during your free moments – whenever you find yourself automatically firing up your laptop to check your favorite site, or scanning Twitter for something to pass the time–you pick up a meaningful work of literature,” Kelly said. “Reach for your e-reader, if you like. Kindles make books like War and Peace less heavy, and also ensure you’ll never lose your place in the book.”
(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS)
78.Speed-readers read an article by __________________________________________.
79.What do the members of the Wellington Book Club usually do?
80.Slow reading will benefit people’s future life because it can _________________________.
81.According to Kelly, what are the two advantages of e-readers like Kindles?
第II卷 (共47分)
I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
4.中国学生现在可以申请五年期的美国签证,而不用每年续签。(instead of)

II.Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1-10 D B D B D A C B C A
11-13 D C A 14-16 D C B
17. financial 18. education 19. Certificate 20. Passport
21. caught the murderer 22. rare blood disease 23. raise money 24. jealous
25. was stopped 26. required 27. must 28. On/During 29. Although 30. in which
31. have become 32. giving 33. to stay 34. an 35. that 36. while 37. involving
38. that 39. why 40. More importantly
41-50 F K I B D A C J E G
51-65 B C A C D D A B DB C A B A D
66-69 BA D C
70-73 CBDA
74-77 A C B D
78.skimming over it and catching the key words and essential meaning.
79.They usually turn off smartphones and read in silence for an hour.
80.slow the rate of memory loss
81.Being less heavy and marking the place in the book.

1.The teacher didn’t start his lesson until every student got seated.
2.Being exposed to people with different values does good to children’s growth.
3.That football team got to the hosting city (of the match) ahead of schedule so as to get familiar with the awful weather.
4.Chinese students can now apply for five-year visas from the US, instead of renewing their visas every year.
5.It is widely acknowledged that rich imagination can to a great extent make up for the lack of materials.
