日期:2015-05-18 17:01


1. 答第I卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。
2. 每小题选出答案后, 用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。

第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分55分)

第一节单项填空(共10小题;每小题l. 5分, 满分15分)

从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1. Children with stable family do better at school, according to report published by the Sutton Trust.
A. 不填;a B. a;a C. the;a D. a;不填
2. The cost of purchasing a house in key cities is usually higher than in towns.
A. that B. those C. it D. one
3. Facebook provides a networking platform communication is faster and easier.
A. which B. where C. when D. why
4. There are several hats on the shelf, and you can choose you like.
A. wherever B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever
5. Lisa have gone to the party, for she was doing paperwork in the office then.
A. shouldn't B. mustn't C. wouldn't D. couldn't
6. to direct sunlight too much can easily get you sunburnt.
A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. To expose D. Being exposed
7. —Can you lend me $600 to buy a new iPhone 5?
— . I have no money.
A. Forget it B. Take it easy
C. It's up to you D. It's nothing
8. the novel several times, I know the characters in it very well.
A. Having read B. Reading C. To read D. Being read
9. you put your heart into study, you are sure to get a satisfying result.
A. While B. Until C. As long as D. Even if
10. —I wonder if Tom will go for an outing tomorrow.
—Tom? Never! He it.
A. has hated B. hated C. was hating D. hates

第二节完形填空(共30小题;11—20题每小题l分, 21—40题每小题l. 5分, 满分40分)

阅读下列短文, 掌握其大意, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Vincent, a first—grade student, whose best friend is battling cancer, thought that hours of playing and telling jokes was not enough. He wanted to show his friend how he understood the tough time he was 11 . Vincent decided the only way was to shave his head in 12 of his best friend Zac who lost his hair through chemotherapy(化学疗法).
Zac was diagnosed(诊断)last June with cancer. He is under l3 but still goes to school every day l4 he can hang out with Vincent.
When the little boy was asked why he l5 his hair off, he told KSDK: "To make Zac feel like he, s not the only one 16 any hair. "
Vincent has also been learning about cancer and l7 money for his best friend after learning how expensive his chemotherapy treatments are.
He l8 more than 20 scarves and sold them, raising more than $200 to give to Zac. The little boy, s mom told KSDK: "We had been making these scarves and he just said it would be19 if we could make a whole bunch of these and sell them. "
When asked what friendship was, Vincent looked at his friend Zac and 20: "It's a beautiful thing. , ,
11. A. caring about B. relying on C. dreaming about D. going through
12. A. praise B. support C. honor D. place
13. A. treatment B. discussion C. repair D. construction
14. A. there B. where C. why D. then
15. A. pulled B. sold C. dyed D. shaved
16. A. without B. with C. by D. under
17. A. printing B. raising C. 1ending D. spending
18. A. made B. bought C. mended D. found
19. A. rare B. cool C. cold D. funny
20. A. sighed B. complained C. responded D. questioned


She was in her late 70s when I met her. She was no longer physically 21 . She was a bit deaf, very stubborn, and spoke broken English very loudly. Plus, she was 22 interested in listening. Instead, she talked almost non—stop. She had very few friends and had no 23anymore, except for a son she last heard from ten years ago.
Somehow the winds of fate blew her into my 24. I was a young woman at the time and, once a year, I used to go to the coast for a 25. On my journey there, I 26 by the little country town where she lived all by 27. I would see her sitting outside. Whenever I felt pity for her I would pick her up- 28 her mountains of luggage-take her to the coast for ten days or so, and then 29 her home again. And every year I 30 myself that would be the last time! She wore me out. Strangely, 31 , over the years something unexpected happened. She quietly became a friend.
One day, on one of our trips, I told her about my grandmother's beautiful old 32 which had become worn out and unplayable. There and then she 33 I drive her to the next big town where she made me 34 so she could transfer(转帐)several thousand dollars into my 35 . This was to pay for a repair. "Your grandmother, s piano 36 sing again!" she said firmly. "You can repay me when you can. And if I die, consider it a 37. "I repaid her in less than a year and she really did make that old piano sing again, which 38 to sing to this very day.
Two years later, I was sad to hear about her sudden death. Shortly after that, I received a large object 39 in a blanket. It was a famous painting titled "The shepherd and his sheep", left by her father! Tears came to my eyes. The painting has been on the wall 40 my grandmother's piano ever since, as a memorial.
21. A. pretty B. healthy C. wealthy D. crazy
22. A. usually B. madly C. always D. seldom
23. A. house B. money C. family D. hope
24. A. 1ife B. dream C. eye D. mind
25. A. chance B. holiday C. job D. meeting
26. A. stood B. 1ived C. flew D. passed
27. A. himself B. herself C. itself D. myself
28. A. apart from B. rather than C. along with D. such as
29. A. bring B. force C. convey D. visit
30. A. encouraged B. scolded C. persuaded D. promised
31. A. therefore B. though C. moreover D. rather
32. A. violin B. guitar C. piano D. drum
33. A. insisted B. reminded C. warned D. begged
34. A. agree B. leave C. admit D. stop
35. A. pocket B. account C. purse D. bank
36. A. might B. need C. must D. could
37. A. gift B. mistake C. 1uck D. wonder
38. A. tends B. seems C. refuses D. continues
39. A. decorated B. wrapped C. covered D. hidden

40. A. beyond B. beside C. above D. beneath

第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分, 满分50分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、c和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Many experts say that Billy Wilder changed the history of American movies. He is often called the best movie maker Hollywood has ever had.
He was known for making movies that offered sharp social comment. Wilder was one of the first directors to do this. Between the middle l930s and the l980s, Billy Wilder made almost fifty movies. During that time he received more than twenty nominations(提名)from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. He won six of the Oscar awards. His movies have been seen by people around the world.
In l944, Billy Wilder made the film Double Indemnity. Some critics said this movie established him as one of the greatest Hollywood directors. Wilder directed The Lost Weekend in 1945. Ray Milland plays the part of an alcoholic writer in the movie. It shows that alcohol rules his life, yet he does not admit it. He hides alcohol in his home and says he is not drinking.
In l950. Wilder made Sunset Boulevard. This movie told of an aging actress in silent movies. She plans to return to movies though facing many problems. In l954, Billy Wilder became an independent producer. The next year, Wilder, s first movie as an independent filmmaker was a huge success. It was The Seven Year hch. In. this movie, a married mail wants to cheat on his wife with some of his friends. In l959, Wilder made a funny movie that was very popular. It was Some Like It Hot. It tells about two jazz musicians being chased by criminals. They decide to wear women, s clothes and join a band in which all the musicians were women.
Wilder died in March, 2002. He was ninety—five. A current Hollywood producer said: "Billy Wilder made movies that people will never forget. "
41. The text is mainly about .
A. the background of American movies
B. the development of American movies
C. Wilder, s attitude to American movies
D. Wilder, s achievements in American movies
42. What was Wilder famous for according to Paragraph 2 ?
A. His unique style of making movies.
B. Sharp remarks on society in his movies.
C. More than twenty awards he received.
D. Almost fifty movies he produced himself.
43. Which of the following made Wilder among the greatest Hollywood directors?
A. Double Indemnity. B. Sunset Boulevard.
C. The Lost weekend. D. Some Like It Hot.
44. When was The Seven Year Itch made?
A. In l944. B. In l945. C. In l954. D. In l955.
45. The text is developed mainly .
A. by following time order B. by making comparisons
C. by analyzing exact data D. by giving instructions

Unemployment in the United States is still high at 6. 7 percent. But for job seekers, especially those with college educations, researchers say finding a job carl be as easy as logging on to a computer. It used to be that looking for a job meant hurrying around, knocking on doors and turning to ads. But that's changing, thanks to the Interact. A new report says, for college graduates, looking for a job is getting easier. More than 80 percent of the jobs are available online.
At the height of the depression(萧条), when U. S. unemployment peaked at 10 percent, just a little more than two million jobs were being posted each month. But as the recovery takes hold, the joh picture looks increasingly bright.
That's great news for Hamilton. Only once has he ever applied in person for a job at a shopping mall. He said, "I think my generation—the idea of going door to door, out knocking and saying, hey are you hiring? —like that—doesn't exist anymore…those days are gone, Just go online. , ,
Kim Dancy recently graduated with a master's degree in Public Policy. She found her dream job as an education policy researcher. But she says finding the perfect job online takes a lot of perseverance. He said, "It can be really frustrating and it takes a long time, but if you applied for enough positions and really do your homework you will get somewhere.
The report's findings suggest careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math provide the greatest opportunities, with salaries that range between $30 to $45 an hour. But for maximum income and satisfaction, workers must be prepared to move and change jobs at least every five years.
46. The highest unemployment rate in the depression in the U. S. was .
A. 10% B. 6. 7% C. 6% D. 7%
47. In what way does Hamilton find his jobs in most cases?
A. Applying in person. B. Searching papers.
C. Turning to the Internet. D. Going door to door.
48. What can we learn from Dancy, s expefience?
A. Job applicants should do much housework.
B. Online job—hunting calls for perseverance.
C. Only online can an applicant find a job.
D. Finding a dream job is really exciting.
49. How can you get a high salary according to the text?
A. By hurrying around. B. By sticking to your work.
C. By surfing the Internet. D. By switching jobs regularly.
50. The best title of this text probably is .
A. Searching for jobs online B. College education online
C. Unemployment in the US D. Economic recovery in the US

In the Central Valley of California, farmers are reducing crop size because they do not have enough water. Last year, California had the least amount of rain since officials began keeping records. And it may be just as bad this year.
Reservoirs are areas where water is stored. In California, some reservoirs are empty. The amount of snow in the Sierra Mountains is 75 percent below normal. This mountain snow melts in the spring and fills rivers. The water is used by farmers. But now, farmers are warning of the possibility of another"Dust Bowl, "like the one of the l930s. Severe droughts and dust storms covered American farmlands and few crops grew.
Dan Errotabere is a third generation California farmer. He grows tomatoes, walnuts, garlic and other crops in Fresno County. He says the federal agency that controls the amount of water released from dams and rivers has stopped giving him water. He and other farmers say officials are not correctly administering the water system. "The last couple of years—dry years, along with severe environmental restrictions--has now presented us with a zero allocation year, , , said he.
Farmers may not be able to plant crops on more than 200, 000 hectares of farmland in the Central Valley this spring. Mr. Errotabere will plant crops on just 80 percent of his farmland. He has enough work for only l5 of his 25 workers.
Federal and state officials sometimes reduce the amount of water to farmers even in years with normal rainfall levels. The officials must supply water to the Sacramento River Delta which is home to several endangered species.
Long-term solutions include conservation, recycling waste water and, building "desalinization (脱盐) centers." These centers remove salt from seawater so it can be used on farms. Farmers say better administration of the state, s water system could also help solve the crisis.
51. The farmers in California grow fewer crops due to .
A. water shortage B. water pollution
C. government policy D. species protection
52. There is no water in some reservoirs because .
A. snow didn't melt in time B. dust storms covered them
C. water supply was cut off D. the snowfall dropped sharply
53. What do we know about Dan Errotabere?
A. He isn't content with the officials in charge of water system.
B. He can do nothing but ask for help from the government.
C. He has to employ more workers to work for him.
D. He plans to cut down the majority of his crops.
54. The underlined word"it, , in the last paragraph refers to .
A. salt B. seawater C. waste water D. desalinization
55. What's the main idea of the text?
A. Annual rainfall in California decreases.
B. Water use in California is not reasonable.
C. Lack of water affects Californian crops.
D. Action is taken to rid drought in California.

As long as you have broadband(宽带)service in your home, you can turn on your desktop computer and connect to the Internet. If you have a wireless router(路由器), a device that spreads the broadband connection to other devices, you can set up a Wi-Fi network, which enables your cellphone and tablets to go online too. And when you are outdoors where there is no Wi-Fi, such as in the park or at the beach, having 3G service allows you to stay connected.
It seems that lots of us already have Internet coverage everywhere we go. So why have mobile companies around the world lately been so enthusiastic about a new term, "4G"? First, you need to know that the letter"G"stands for"generation". Even if you have no idea what 4G is, at least you can figure out that it's a step up from 3G since it's the latest generation of mobile internet service.
Unlike broadband, mobile Internet uses the same signal towers that provide voice service to your cell phone, which means wherever you can make phone calls with your cell phone you also have an Internet connection.
But mobile connections have their defects: they don't carry as much information as broadband does, making opening websites and downloading music slower than they are on a Wi-Fi connection. This is why mobile connections have been constantly upgraded since the first generation was launched back in the l980s.
According to BBC, 4G is five to seven times faster than current 3G network speeds, almost as fast as home broadband. Because of this, 4G is ideally suited for services like video downloading, mapping, online shopping and even video conferencing.
To achieve the high speeds, network companies have to spend a lot of money on building new signal towers, which will eventually lead to a higher phone bill if you switch t0 4G, and you, ll also have to get a new phone with 4G capacity.
56. What is Paragraph l mainly about?
A. The development of Wi-Fi.
B. The convenience of using cellphones.
C. The influences of the Internet on our life.
D. Various ways to get access to the Intemet.
57. The underlined word"defects, , in Paragraph 4 probably means .
A. disadvantages B. functions C. qualities D. benefits
58. What is the weakness of 3 G compared with 4G?
A. Its voice is not as clear as 4G.
B. It can't satisfy the users, basic needs.
C. Its network speeds are much slower.
D. It has much less popularity than 4G.
59. Mobile technology has constantly been improved to .
A. replace broadband B. increase the network speed
C. download videos D. connect more cellphones
60. What does the author think of 4G service?
A. Its service is worth the price. B. There is no need to develop it.
C. It takes time to be widely used. D. It provides good service at a higher price.

On an ordinary weekday evening, Jane was at home as usual. As she was considering what she was going to do with her dinner plans for the evening, she was unexpectedly interrupted by an urgent call from her sister"get over here!"
A few hours later, Jane found herself with 8 strangers in the middle of the boiling desert heat of Utah(犹他州), picking up rubbish and raising awareness about zero. waste and climate change.
Armed with a deep love of the environment and a desire to make a difference, Jane, Davey, and a group of self described"environmental pick—up artists, , went on a coast to coast road side rubbish pick-up. As they walked, sometimes only covering 0. 9 miles in an entire day, they slowly and steadily made their way across the United States, picking up a total of 201, 678 pounds of rubbish. In the end, three years and 3, 672 miles later, they dipped their feet in the cold waters of the Pacific.
The road is windy,often up—hill. With a rubbish bag as your companion, how does one remind themselves that picking up that tiny gum wrapper on the ground makes a difference? Where do you find the strength to keep going? As I asked Jane and Davey to answer these questions, they shared remarkable stories of caring environment that gave them the efforts to continue their journey.
A small group of us were lucky enough to spend two hours last Wednesday evening listening to the remarkable stories of Jane and Davey. As they shared their deep concern for the environment, we together experienced their real spirit. Jane and Davey, like so many unknown heroes in our community, might not ever draw much attention like multi—million dollar funded projects. In many ways, it is exactly that which makes their story so attractive.
61. Why did Jane, s sister call her?
A. To inform her to prepare dinner for them.
B. To seek advice on picking up rubbish.
C. To beg her to help them out of trouble.
D. To ask her to join them in their activity.
62. How did the group travel across the United States to gather rubbish?
A. By bus. B. On foot C. By train. D. By bike
63. What drove them to go on with their journey?
A. Spirit of teamwork. B. Interest in traveling.
C. Concern for the environment D. Love of natural beauty.
64. What can be concluded from the text?
A. East or west, home is best.
B. Great times make great man
C. Actions speak louder than words.
D. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things.
65. What's the author, s attitude to the actions of the group?
A. Positive. B. Critical C. Casual. D. Sympathetic.

第Ⅱ卷共2页。考生必须使用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔在答题卡上各题目的指定答题区域内作答, 在试卷上作答无效。

第三部分 书面表达(共两节, 满分45分)
第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分, 满分l5分)
阅读下面短文并用英语回答问题, 将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意66、67、69三个小题后面的词数要求)。

[1]When I was young, I wondered why neighborhoods didn't plant fruit trees to build community. Later, my husband and I decided the right way to answer this question was to do it ourselves, so we transformed our front yard with fruit trees, such as strawberries, pomegranates (石榴), and oranges.
[2]Every crop brought us closer to neighbors and strangers. The food was an excuse to communicate. Kids in the neighborhood including our sons learned patience and gentle timing. When we had extra, we, d share it. Then, we received a powerful lesson: a gift hidden as a loss. Our first-ever crop of pomegranates had ripened. But at harvest, they , stolen in the middle of the night. We were shocked, sad and angry. One of my friends had fun suggesting we post a sign to curse(诅咒)thieves who stole our fruit.
[3]And suddenly, the lesson was clear. We did need a sign. Last fall, we had a larger crop of pomegranates. We posted a sign that read, "If you, d like one, please knock and introduce yourself and we, d be happy to cut one off the tree for you. Cutting saves the branches and promotes future growth so we can continue to share with new friends like you. "
[4]While one pomegranate was taken, most others were left to new friends. This year, we won the Kindness Contest award, so we planted three new fruit trees—a peach, a pear and a plum. Before they fruit, I'll add a big sign to the yard to encourage sharing. Today, I am happy to role model generosity for my young sons and to have been blessed with the opportunity to provide an edible(可食的)front yard for others.
66. What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph I refer to?(no more than 5 words)
67. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)
68. Explain the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4.
69. What does the author encourage us to do through the story? (no more than 10 words)
70. List three wolds to describe what kind of person the author is.
① ② ③

第二节 写作(满分30分)
假如你是新华中学的学生李华, 你校学生会拟下周二下午四点举行英语口语大赛, 你去拜访校国际部外教Jack, 恰巧他外出, 请根据以下要点给他留一封短信。
1. 邀请Jack做评委, 告知比赛时间、地点等;
2. 询问赛后是否有时问辅导前两名选手参加市级比赛。
注意: 1. 词数: l20—150
2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Dear Jack,_________________________
Li Hua

