日期:2015-05-05 16:11


I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

I chose to live in the beautiful Cumberland Valley of Maryland after I completed my service in the army. 1 , at that time there were few jobs available in the area. With a little research I found that a number of companies in the area were either owned or 2 by an unusual businessman, Henry House, whose rise from poverty to riches 3 me. However, he was known for being 4 to job seekers.
I interviewed some people and found that Mr House’s major interest was in his drive for power and 5 . Since he protected himself from people like me by use of a 6 and strict secretary, I 7 her interests and goals and only then did I pay an unannounced visit at her office. When I told her I had a plan which might bring her boss financial and political success, she became enthusiastic. I also talked with her about her constructive 8 in his success. After this
9 , she arranged for me to meet Mr House.
I entered his 10 and impressive office, determined not to ask directly for a 11 . He was seated behind a large carved desk and 12 at me, “How about it, young man?” The volume of his voice surprised me but I remained calm. I said, “Mr. House, I believe I can make money for you.” Although he didn’t get up, he 13 me to sit in one of the large chairs. I described my ideas and the qualifications I had to 14 these ideas, as well as how they would contribute to his personal success and that of his businesses.
He 15 me at once and for over twenty years I have grown in his enterprises and we both have prospered.
1. A. Firstly B. Unfortunately C. Interestingly D. Thankfully
2. A. named B. refused C. banned D. controlled
3. A. annoyed B. interested C. alarmed D. puzzled
4. A. kind B. cruel C. inaccessible D. superior
5. A. money B. love C. family D. friendship
6. A. cheerful B. silly C. lovely D. serious
7. A. followed B. studied C. guessed D. required
8. A. response B. participation C. attitude D. effect
9. A. examination B. translation C. conversation D. discussion
10. A. huge B. simple C. ugly D. empty
11. A. job B. favor C. seat D. talk
12. A. aimed B. smiled C. shouted D. wondered
13. A. led B. forced C. arranged D. invited
14. A. form B. consider C. sell D. achieve
15. A. left B. refused C. hired D. promised

第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

Water is one of your most urgent needs in a survival situation. You can’t live long 16 it, especially in hot areas, 17 you lose water rapidly through perspiration (流汗). Even in cold areas, you need a minimum of 2 liters of water each day to keep your body going. Water helps you keep up your body temperature, oils your organs, and is required to break down body fat and to digest the food you eat. 18 you do not take in enough water, your body will begin pulling
19 from other places, including your blood. When water is removed from your blood, the blood thickens, making it 20 (difficult) than usual for the heart to pump blood through your body. You become tired, lack energy, and will be 21 (able) to function properly.

More than three-fourths of your body 22 (compose) of liquids. Your body loses water because of heat, cold, stress, and hard work. To function effectively, you must replace the water your body loses. So, one of your first goals is 23 (obtain) an adequate supply of water and to do that, you must find a water source 24 build a water container to collect water. Then 25 water must be made clean before it is safe to drink.

II 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

Holi is the Hindu festival of colors. It is celebrated at the end of the winter season, on the last full moon day of the lunar month Phalguna. In 2014, Holi was celebrated on March 17.
Holi is celebrated by Hindus all over the world. Holi celebrations begin on the eve of the festival with bonfires and prayers. On the day of Holi, people throw colored powder and liquids at each other. A common greeting during this time is, “Happy Holi.”
Holi celebrations are particularly wild and uncontrolled in India as social rules are relaxed. Colored water is squirted on passers-by, and people are dunked into muddy water. Many people drink bhang, a powerful wine made from a plant. Social differences are temporarily ignored and people of all ages, genders and backgrounds gather together and celebrate the festival. In fact, it is said that one can get away with almost any kind of behavior on the day of Holi by saying “don’t mind, it is Holi.” In addition to the boisterous nature of the festival, this is a time for family members to get together, give gifts, eat special foods and decorate their homes. Overall, this is one of the most spirited and beloved festivals of the Hindu calendar.
The celebration of Holi is described in Hindu historical texts and stories that have passed from generation to generation. Holi commemorates the mythical story of a young boy called Prahlada, the son of the king of demons (恶魔). Unable to tolerate Prahlada’s devotion to Vishnu, a good god, his demon father attempted to kill him several times by poisoning him, throwing him from the top of a mountain, etc. but failed each time. Finally, he ordered his son to sit on a fire on the lap of his demoness sister, Holika, who was protected from the flames. Prahlada accepted his father’s command and survived unharmed from the fire while his sister was burned to death. This story is widely known throughout India, and as with most Hindu tales, it varies slightly in different parts of the country.
26. The passage is written to ________.
A. report the celebration of an Indian festival
B. explain why Holi is important to Indians
C. introduce a popular Indian festival
D. tell the origin of an Indian festival
27. The underlined word “boisterous” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. colourful and crazy B. lively and energetic
C. dirty and angry D. peaceful and quiet
28. During the festival of Holi, people do the following EXCEPT ________.
A. colour their faces and bodies and drink muddy water
B. get together with the family and enjoy special food
C. throw coloured powder and give gifts to friends
D. say prayers and celebrate with bonfires
29. What can we infer from the passage?
A. India is a country with relaxed social rules.
B. Bhang is a very popular daily drink in India.
C. Criminals will be forgiven if they celebrate Holi.
D. Social class differences are very obvious in India.
30. According to the last paragraph, Holi was originally celebrating ________.
A. the end of winter
B. the birth of a god
C. victory of good against bad
D. love between family members

They tell us when to get up or when we’re running late for work and whether we are in danger of missing our favourite TV programme. But while our daily routines rely on clocks that tell us the time, science is discovering that our well-being is influenced by a very different kind of timepiece. Circadian rhythms — the human body’s own internal clock — have a powerful influence on our health and behaviour. They are programmed from birth and control functions ranging from temperature and blood pressure to sleep patterns.
In recent years researchers have also discovered that this built-in mechanism can influence everything from the way we react to medicines to how well we learn music.
The latest example, from experts at Harvard University in the US, shows that the human body clock can even dictate whether or not we are likely to tell the truth. Researchers found it was easier for people to fib in the afternoon because, as they were tired, the self control that would normally prevent them from lying started to break down. Tiredness made it harder to resist the temptation to tell lies — especially if it meant they got a financial reward at the end.
“The body clock has a great effect on us all,” says Professor Jim Horne from the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University. “Most people tend to feel good around late morning and then decline in the early afternoon. But the time most of us will feel our sharpest is between 6pm and 8pm. That’s because sleepiness tends to build up throughout the day. By early evening our body clock kicks in to wake us up. One reason may be to ensure we get home safely. When our ancestors were coming home after hunting all day their internal clocks kicked in to get them home in one piece.”
So what effects do circadian rhythms have and what’s the best time of day to take advantage of them?
31. The underlined word “They” in the first paragraph refers to ________.
A. our clocks B. scientists and experts
C. our daily routines D. circadian rhythms
32. The research referred to in Paragraph 3 found that people tend to ________.
A. tell lies when they are tired
B. tell lies if they are rewarded
C. lose temper as they become tired
D. break down because they are tired
33. According to the passage, when are people most quick-thinking?
A. In the morning. B. Around midday.
C. In the late afternoon. D. In the early evening.
34. What information will the writer probably present following the last paragraph?
A. Some practical suggestions to prevent people from lying.
B. Examples of how the human body clocks control the body.
C. Examples of the most suitable time to do different activities.
D. An explanation of how the human body clock controls the body.
35. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Rebuild your body clock B. Timing is everything
C. Sleep more, lie less D. Your time is up

3D printers are a new generation of machines that can make everyday things. They’re remarkable because they can produce different kinds of objects, in different materials, all from the same machine. A 3D printer can make pretty much anything from clay cups to plastic toys, metal machine parts, fancy chocolate cakes or even (one day soon) human body parts. If you look at a page from your home printer with a microscope, you’ll see the letters are actually sitting slightly on top of the surface of the page. In theory, if you printed over that same page a few thousand times, the ink would build up enough layers (层) to create a solid 3D model of each letter. That idea of building a physical form out of tiny layers is how a 3D printer works.
You start by designing a 3D object on an ordinary home PC, connect it to a 3D printer, press “print” and then sit back and watch. The process is a bit like making a loaf of sliced bread, but in the opposite order. Imagine baking each individual slice of bread and then gluing them together into a whole loaf. That’s basically what a 3D printer does.
The 3D printing process turns a whole object into thousands of tiny little slices, and then forms a single solid object slice by slice. You can print a whole bike — handlebars, saddle, frame, wheels, brakes, pedals and chain — ready assembled, without using any tools. It’s just a question of leaving spaces in the right places.
Have you ever broken something, only to find it’s no longer sold and you can’t replace it? 3D printing means you can simply print a new one. That world, where you can make almost anything at home, is very different from the one we live in today. It’s a world that doesn’t need trucks to deliver goods or warehouses to store them in, where nothing is ever out of stock and where there is less waste, packaging and pollution.
It’s also a world where everyday items, such as shoes and furniture, can be easily made to your requirements. You can get some of those things now if you’re wealthy, but 3D printing brings affordable, designer manufacturing to the masses. If that sounds like pure fantasy, try googling “personalized 3D printed products” and see for yourself.
36. You need all of the following to do some 3D printing EXCEPT ________.
A. a computer B. some glue C. some materials D. a 3D printer
37. The second and third paragraphs mainly explain ________.
A. how a 3D printer actually functions
B. the process of making a loaf of bread
C. why the first 3D printer was invented
D. what 3D printers can actually produce
38. Which of the following is an advantage of 3D printing according to the passage?
A. You can produce almost everything in the warehouse.
B. You can print things in large numbers and sell them.
C. Things you print won’t need places to store.
D. It will cause less waste and pollution.
39. You can now use the 3D printer to solve your problem when you ________.
A. have lost one of your shirt buttons
B. want a big house to live in
C. run out of drinking water
D. need to replace an organ
40. From the last paragraph we can learn that 3D printing productions are ________.
A. easy to order through Google
B. as popular as online shopping
C. still unbelievable to many people
D. cheap to produce in mass production

What exactly is language for? To many people, the answer seems obvious. It’s for the transfer of useful facts, such as “Dinner will be served at eight o’clock”, “Peter’s uncle has twisted his ankle”, and “Kangaroos live in Australia”.
However, even when information is apparently conveyed, its reliability is not guaranteed. The speaker might have been lying, or even misunderstood, “We are now at take-off”, the pilot of a Boeing 747 announced. He meant, “We are now in the process of taking off”. The air-traffic controller assumed he meant, “We are waiting at the take-off point”. As a consequence, 583 people died as two planes crashed at an airport in Paris.
Generally, language is moderately good at communicating simple pieces of factual information such as “John is Sally’s cousin”, providing the speaker is telling the truth. Such “information talking” is usually assumed to be at the core of language. Yet its effectiveness in the role depends on the type of information being conveyed.
Language is bad at handling spatial information, whether for tying knots, following directions or learning about the circulation of the blood. Consider the instructions for tying a simple knot:
1. Pass the end of the rope over the standing part.
2. Take the end under the standing part from the loop.
3. Bring the end of the rope back over itself towards the loop.
4. … etc.
Without a diagram this description is almost impossible to understand, even though it is accurate. Language is also particularly poor at communicating information about our senses and feeling.
But language is particularly good at promoting communication between people. It “oils social wheels”, even when nothing important is said, as pointed out by the language expert Bill West, who argued against “the false idea of language as a means of conveying ideas from the head to the speaker to that of the listener”. He stressed the social importance of “talking for the sake of talking”, which he labeled “phatic communication”.
It is easy to think up examples. Customary words and gestures are exchanged when people meet, “Good morning”, “Hi there!”. And there are standard topics of conversation. In Britain this is traditionally the weather. In other countries, it may be the health of relatives, as in the custom in southern India.
Conversational interaction between friends often supplies a minimum of information, but a maximum of supportive chat. Meaningless words, or even misunderstood words can keep a conversation going. So “solidarity talking”, talking to maintain social relations, is widespread and important.
41. The author includes “Kangaroos live in Australia” in Paragraph 1 to ________.
A. explain the idea that language has changed
B. argue that language can be used for reasoning
C. tell a well-known fact which cannot be disproven
D. give an example of language used for giving information
42. The author uses the example of the plane accident in Paragraph 2 to show that ________.
A. the pilot was actually lying
B. language may be misunderstood
C. language may be difficult to master
D. the pilot had a poor command of the language
43. Which of the following is NOT an example of spatial information?
A. Tying a knot.
B. Giving instructions.
C. Following directions.
D. Learning about the circulation of blood.
44. Which of the following would the writer agree with?
A. Language is used to convey emotions and sensations well.
B. Language is particularly good at conveying information.
C. Language is effective at keeping social communication.
D. Language is able to convey spatial information well.
45. According to the passage, telling a stranger standing next to you at a bus stop that “it’s a lovely day today” would be an example of ________.
A. phatic communication
B. weather reporting
C. information talk
D. solidarity talk

第二节 信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

A.Secretary — experienced office worker with excellent typing (50 words per min), good computer skills, and strong customer service ability needed to run the office for the manager. Experience in import-export industry an advantage but not required. Part-time position 3 days (18 hours) per week.
B.Sales clerk — busy city-centre women’s clothing store looking for well-presented 20 to 30- year-olds, with good understanding of fashion trends and brands. Must have good customer service skills and some sales experiences. Part time position, salary negotiable.
C.Manager — a highly motivated and competent manager is required to run a computer company employing over 60 staff. Technical skills and previous industry experience are not required, but candidate must have a proven record of managing all aspects of a company employing over 30 people. 2-year contract.
D.Bank trainee — Central Bank is now offering entry positions for new employees. No previous work experience is required but candidates must have or are about to complete a degree in economics, marketing, finance or accounting. You will be given 3 months’ full-time paid training before being assigned to one of our branches.
E.Technical support officer — Advertising and marketing company needs an energetic technical officer with good personal relationship skill. You will be required to solve any computer problems our office staff have, so a computer related degree and strong knowledge of the Windows operating system and computer networks are essential.
F.Kitchen assistant — the chef of a 4 star, inner-city restaurant needs an experienced kitchen worker to assist in meal preparation. Must have familiarity with French cooking style and be willing to work hard. This is a permanent part-time position which will mainly involve evening and weekend shifts.

46. John — has just graduated from university with a degree in computer science and is looking for a job where he can put his knowledge and skills to use. While a student he was responsible for managing his department computer network.
47. Julie — Now that her children have started school, Julie is interested in returning to the workforce. She has over 10 years’ experience as an assistant office manager where she developed strong typing, computer and customer skills. As she must still take care of her children after school she is not interested in full-time work.
48. Bill — in the ten years since he graduated from university with a finance degree, Bill has become the chief administrator of a large bank branch. But he is now bored of working in this industry and would like to move to a new sector where he can use his excellent management skills.
49. Roberta — is currently a marketing student at university and has recently lost her part-time job as a waitress in a French restaurant. Although she was very popular with her customers, she would prefer her new part-time job to be in the area that she loves most, women’s fashion.
50. Kelly — is about to graduate from university with a degree in economics and is trying to find a job that is suitable for her. She is worried that she won’t be able to find anything suitable as she has never worked before and has little experience.

III 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 基础写作 (共1小题,满分15分)

姓名 潘彼得(Peter Pan)
年龄 17岁
获得奖项 全国青年武术比赛冠军(the National Wushu Youth Championship)
练武经历 10年来坚持练武术,每天五个小时,终获回报
武术风格 自创风格;揉合中国传统武术和西方拳击
获奖感受 很高兴,武术给了他自信
将来计划 中学毕业后到大陆(mainland)继续学武术;将来在香港开一家武术中心


第二节 读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)

Dear Debbie,
My recent experiences have left me really confused and desperately in need of your advice.
It all began two weeks ago. I was in the corner buying some sweets after school, when I saw my classmate and neighbour Tommy. As I was about to walk over to talk to him, I saw him put two packets of coloured pencils into his bag and then walk straight out of the shop without paying. I was really shocked by this because I know Tommy really well. He is a good boy, a hard-working student, and his family is quite well-off. I just couldn’t understand why he was shoplifting(在商店行窃). I didn’t want to get Tommy into trouble so I said nothing in the shop. But when I got home I told my parents the whole story. I expected them to go over to Tommy’s home and tell his parents about it, but to my surprise my dad just said, “It’s not really our business. I don’t think we should get involved.”
And now it’s even worse. I was in the shop yesterday and saw Tommy shoplifting again. I’m really worried about Tommy and don’t know what to do.
Thanks for reading my letter. I am anxiously awaiting your advice.

Yours sincerely

Dear Charles,

I hope the above suggestions will be helpful. Good luck.

Yours Sincerely,

1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. A
11. A 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. C

16. without 17. where 18. If 19. it 20. more difficult
21. unable 22. is composed 23. to obtain 24. or 25. the/this

26. C 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. B
36. B 37. A 38. D 39. A 40. C 41. D 42. B 43. B 44. C 45. A
46. E 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. D

Last weekend, 17-year-old Peter Pan from our school won the National Wushu Youth Championship in Hong Kong. For the past 10 years, Peter has practiced five hours a day to perfect his skills and his hard work finally paid off this year. Peter has created his own style of Wushu by combining the traditional Chinese style with the western boxing. When asked how he felt about winning the national championship, Peter said he was very happy as Wushu has given him confidence. Peter plans to continue his study of Wushu on the mainland after he graduates from high school and open a Wushu centre in Hong Kong in the future.

Dear Charles,
In your letter you wrote that since discovering your friend Tommy shoplifting, you’re worried he is developing a serious problem and your parents’ advice on the matter has left you confused.
When I read your letter, I felt really proud of you. Tommy is lucky to have a true friend like you, who is trying to help him out, instead of simply reporting him to his parents or to the shop.
The question is how to best help Tommy. In some ways your parents’ advice is understandable. Parents always try to protect their children from any danger or trouble and this may be the reason why they suggested that you should not get involved. However, doing nothing is no longer an option, as Tommy’s shoplifting may be getting more serious. It could also lead to other problems.
That is why I suggest you have a heart-to-heart talk with him, or at least, write him a letter. Help him to understand why shoplifting is wrong and the trouble it could cause him if he is caught. If this fails, then perhaps you should speak to his parents. It is clear that Tommy really needs help from his family and close friends. Let him know you’re always ready to give a hand.
I hope the above suggestions will be helpful. Good luck.
Yours Sincerely,
