日期:2015-04-21 15:01


第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

If you are feeling that life just cannot be any worse for you, it can be challenging to think positive thoughts. When we are stressed, depressed,1 , or in a negative state of mind because we feel that "bad things"2happening to us, it is important to change those3thoughts into something positive. If we don't, we will only attract more "bad things."
It is often very hard to think positive when so many things are negative, but I am___4_ that someone, somewhere is worse off than you. We can choose to think5__by beginning with the smallest of steps.
If you start with one small, positive thing and6it during the course of your day, you will begin to move into a more positive7 : positive thoughts, feelings, opportunities. With practice, you will change your outlook and choose to be8 , regardless of the events around you.
Here are a few examples for you to9 . Begin and end each day with a "Thank you for this wonderful day!" When you see the gas prices hiking, say "I am glad that I have a 10in which to get around." If you are having health problems, be grateful for what does work: "I really do11my eyes that see, my ears that hear, my mouth that tastes, my legs that walk, my12that write. Write down what you're grateful for each day. When you're feeling really down, read what you13beforehand. This will help uplift your spirits. If you practice this14 , you will find that your list will get longer and longer.
The15to make it a moment of joyful peace is to move yourself into a positive thought and keep it there long enough. The more you practice, the happier you'll be.
1.A. upset B. healthy C. serious D. terrible
2.A. stop B. try C. keep D. avoid
3.A. relative B. negative C. sensitive D. positive
4.A. disappointed B. sure C. sad D. interested
5.A. carelessly B. stubbornly C. actively D. differently
6.A. catch B. repeat C. speak D. sing
7.A. situation B. conclusion C. attention D. ambition
8.A. happy B. sad C. moved D. confused
9.A. take B. make C. learn D. practice
10.A. ship B. car C. plane D. bike
11.A. perform B. put C. appreciate D. know
12.A. knees B. hands C. head D. arms
13.A. talked B. heard C. wrote D. saw
14.A. quickly B. specially C. slightly D. regularly
15.A. design B. performance C. trouble D. key

第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

Once there were two mice,a city mouse and a country mouse.They were distant relatives. One day the city mouse, 16 lived in a big house wrote a letter to the country mouse inviting him for a visit.
Delighted, the country mouse accepted the 17 (invite) and came to the city mouse's house. He was greeted by the city mouse cheerfully. The country mouse was surprised18 big the house was. The city mouse was pleased19 led the country mouse to the kitchen.When20 climbed up the table, there were a large piece of bread, fruit and cheese21it.But just as they began to eat, they heard22great noise. The city mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat23 (come)!" They ran away quickly and hid.
24 (breath)heavily after hiding in the mouse-hole, the country mouse said to the city mouse, "I should go back to my house in the country. Even if I eat nothing but beans, I can live25 (peace). Why don't you come with me to the country? It is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid."

Ⅱ 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)

第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

Kieron Williamson: The Art World’s Youngest Star
Many parents display their children’s artwork on the refrigerator, but Kieron Williamson’s paintings have been on display in professional galleries since he was 6 years old.
Kieron’s artwork, though, extends far beyond child-like stick figures or finger painting. In fact, the child from Norfolk, England, has been called “the boy who paints like an old master.”
According to his parents, Kieron was a typical toddler who like finding bugs and playing in the mud. But on a 2008 family vacation to the beach, the 5-year-old was inspired by the boats and scenery and asked his parents for a sketch pad. His initial drawings could have been done by any young child, but after the family returned home, Kieron continued drawing and began to display a gift for art.
When he started asking about the process of putting a painting together, his parents realized he needed professional instruction. Soon after, he began taking lessons, and his progress amazed everyone as the young boy produced impressive landscapes and watercolors.
In 2009,when the 6-years-old had a chance to exhibit his work in a gallery, he sold 19 paintings for 14,000pounds, becoming famous overnight. From then on, he was surrounded by buyers from France, Japan, Greece and other countries. The young artist held another exhibit three months after the first one and sold 16 paintings for over 17,000 pounds, followed by a third sale, earning 150,000 pounds. For the fourth exhibit, Kieron took the day off from school but ended up returning to school early. His entire collection had sold out in 10 minutes to collectors from around the world. Now he has a waiting list of more than 5,000 people who have ordered his paintings.
He has appeared in interviews before millions, and he has been compared to Pablo Picasso. Yet Kieron doesn’t seem to be fazed by all the attention, still making time for football and maintaining excellent grades at school.
He does have one goal he gets excited about: “ I’d like the Queen to have a collection of my work.” With his popularity climbing, this young artist may realize his wish one day.
26. According to the passage, which of the following statements is True?
A. Kieron’s paintings are just as childish as other children’s.
B. Kieron’s initial drawings suggested that he would be an art master.
C. Kieron benefited greatly from professional instruction.
D. Before displaying a gift for art, Kieron received professional training.
27. Paragraph 5 is mainly intended to tell us ____________.
A. the four exhibits of his paintings
B. the process of his wealth accumulation
C. the high quality of his paintings
D. the increasing popularity of his paintings
28. Why did Kieron go back to school early on the day of his fourth exhibit?
A. Because his mind was focused on study.
B. Because the exhibit was put off.
C. Because he wanted to gain praise from teachers.
D. Because his paintings were sold out earlier than expected.
29. What does the word “fazed ”probably mean in Paragraph 6?
A. frustrated B. affected C. encouraged D. defeated
30. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A. Kieron respects and admires the Queen very much.
B. Kieron likes to earn money from the Queen.
C. Kieron is bound to realize his dream.
D. Kieron’s goal is unlikely to come true.

You might think I'd have little in common with a camel, but we do share one useful skill: both of us can go for a very long time without water. Usually I start my day with a cup of tea, and then I might have a glass of water with my lunch and one with dinner, that's about a liter of liquid in 24 hours. It feels like plenty, but apparently it's not nearly enough.
After years of suffering headaches and poor digestion I spoke to a neurologist about my regular headaches and a nutritionist about my poor digestion, and both told me I should be drinking up to three liters of liquid a day for my body to function at its best. I decided to conduct an experiment. What would happen if I drank the recommended amount every day for a month?
The photograph of me taken the day I started this trial demonstrates(展示)perfectly and rather frighteningly what a lack of hydration does to a face. I am 42, but have to admit I look more like 52 in this picture, which is shocking. There are dark shadows under and around my eyes, which make me look exhausted, a profusion of wrinkles and strange reddish blotches, and my skin lacks any luster(光泽). It looks dead. Even my lips look shriveled(枯萎的). This is all classic evidence of poor hydration, apparently.
Every system and function in our body depends on water. It flushes toxins from the vital organs, carries nutrients to cells, provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues, and eliminates waste.
Not drinking enough means all these functions becomes damaged. So I decided to see how I would look and feel if I drank three liters of water every day for 28 days. The results were astonishing.
31.Which statement is Not True according to Paragraph 1?
A. The author drinks about a liter of liquid every day.
B. The author has something in common with a camel.
C. The author actually has plenty of water in her daily life.
D. The author thinks she drinks enough water every day.
32.Why did the author decide to drink the recommended amount of water?
A. Because she was very fond of doing experiments.
B. Because she was informed of the importance of drinking enough water.
C. Because her doctors forced her to do it.
D. Because she wanted to be cured of her stomachache.
33.The author’s lack of hydration caused the following physical responses Except_______.
A. shriveled lipsB. dark shadows around her eyes
C.enough luster of her skin D. wrinkles and blotches on her face
34.According to the passage, the author most probably tends to tell us_________.
A. the more water one drinks, the healthier he is
B. it’s necessary to follow specialists instructions
C. drinking water makes ladies look younger
D. drinking enough water is key to one’s health
35.What will be probably written in the next paragraph?
A. The author had his health greatly improved.
B. The author gave up the experiment.
C. The author suffered a lot from the experiment.
D. The author felt very disappointed at the result.

When a shop is authentic and the workers are friendly, it can feel like a second home for consumers, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. "People often feel strongly attached to particular places. Such places typically include their homes, but can also include commercial places such as stores and restaurants," write authors Alain Debenedetti (Université Paris Est -- IRG), Harmen Oppewal (Monash University), and Zeynep Arsel (Concordia University). "How do people develop and experience place attachment when the place concerns a commercial setting, where they are just customers, and the place is owned or controlled by someone else?"
Consumers form strong emotional bonds with locations when they experience familiarity. Consumers also value authenticity and personal relationships. "It also helps if it is a place where one can feel safe and secure, protected from not only disturbing staff but also from aggressive promotional activities," the authors write. "The place does not have to be a splendid flagship store. People can build attachments with quite ordinary places, as long as the place meets the above criteria(标准) of familiarity, authenticity and security."
The authors gained these insights from interviews with a sample of French consumers who talked about their experiences with the places they most treasure: cafés, restaurants, department stores, concert halls, and libraries. The final phase of the study focused on patrons of a particular French wine bar.
The authors also found that once consumers bond with a commercial space, they are willing to make efforts or sacrifices to support it. Satisfied customers may pay higher tips, volunteer to help the business, and serve as ambassadors, linking other consumers to the business. "Consumers treat their special place as a treasured gift and in return want to support the establishment beyond what is expected of them as customers," the authors conclude.
36.Which of the following does not contribute to consumers’ attachment?
A. splendour B. familiarity C. authenticity D. safety
37. Where was the study probably carried out?
A. America B. China C. France D. Unknown
38. The last paragraph mainly deals with___________.
A. extra reward from attached consumers
B. the importance of treating consumers well
C. how to develop bonds with consumers
D. the relationship between consumers and commercial places
39. Who will benefit most from the result of the study?
A. consumersB. store managers C. the store staffD. ambassadors
40.What’s the best title of the passage?
A. Ways to Attract More Consumers B. The Secret of Successful Management
C. Consumers’ AttachmentD. The Criteria of Successful Companies

Parents should ban electronic media during mealtimes and after bedtime as part of a comprehensive “family media use plan”, according to new recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics. “Excessive media use is associated with obesity, poor school performance, aggression and lack of sleep”, said Marjorie Hogan, co-author of the new policy.
Families should have a no-device rule during meals and after bedtime, the guidelines say. Parents should also set family rules covering the use of the Internet, cellphones, including, perhaps, which sites can be visited, and who can be called. The policy also restated the existing recommendations: Kids should limit the amount of screen time for entertainment to less than two hours per day; children younger than 2 shouldn't have any TV or Internet exposure. Also, televisions and Internet-accessible devices should be kept out of kids' bedrooms.
Doctors say parents need to obey the family rules, too, to model healthy behavior. That, some say, may be the toughest part. “If you go to any restaurant, Family 3.0 is Mom and Dad on their devices and the kids on theirs”, says Donald, a pediatrician and an AAP spokesman. “Who is talking to each other?”
Children aged from 8 to 18 spent an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes a day consuming media for fun, including TV, music, video games and other content in 2009, according to a 2010 report from the Kaiser Family Foundation. The report was based on a survey of 2002 third through twelfth graders, 702 of whom completed a seven-day media use diary. That was up about an hour and 17 minutes a day from five years earlier. About two-thirds of 8 to 18-year-olds said they had no rules on the amount of time they spent watching TV, playing video games or using the computer, the Kaiser report found.
Use of mobile devices by young kids has soared. A new report from Common Sense Media, a child-advocacy group based in San Francisco, found that 17% of children 8 and younger use mobile devices daily, up from 8% in 2011.
41.Which statement is True according to the 1st paragraph?
A.Parents are advised to ban electronic media after mealtimes.
B.“Family media use plan” is being carried out throughout America.
C.electronic media are evil in the eyes of parents and educators.
D.overuse of electronic media has caused many severe problems.
42.Which is Not included in the new policy?
A.Children’s screen time for entertainment should be limited.
B.Children can only play video games in their bedrooms.
C.Children can’t call whoever they want to call without parents’ permission.
D.Children younger than 2 should neither watch TV nor surf the Internet.
43.Why should parents themselves obey the family rules?
A.It’s beneficial to their health.
B.It’s essential to parenting their kids
C.It’s beneficial to their work.
D. It’s essential to developing good relationship with their kids.
44.What can be inferred according to the report from the Kaiser Family Foundation?
A.The majority of the surveyed kids can use electronic devices as they like in their homes.
B.The report was based on the statistics in 2002.
C.702 of the surveyed kids completed a seven-day media use diary.
D.Kids are spending less and less time using media for fun.
45.What can be the best title of the passage?
A.Consuming media for fun is a nature of kids
B.No use, no worry
C.Measures should be taken to stop children’s overuse of electronic medias

D.Electronic devices threaten the relationship of many families

Ⅲ 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节:基础写作 (共1小题,满分15分)

房地产公司的意见 同学们的意见
1. 该古建筑物缺乏维护,破旧不堪,有安全隐患。 1. 该古建筑物是历史文化遗产,是文明和智慧的象征。
2. 兴建的居住区可以解决部分人的住房问题; 2. 政府有责任保护好该古建筑物,并通过立法等方式贯彻执行。
3. 兴建的商业区可以满足居民的购物需要;

1. 房地产公司的意见; 2. 同学们的意见; 3. 你的看法。
房地产公司 a real estate company 维护:maintenance 居住区: residential district 遗产:heritage

1. 只能用5个句子表达全部内容。
2. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。

A big real estate company planned to pull down an ancient building to build a residential district and a business district, so I went to interview the company and also did a survey among my classmates on their opinions about it. ____________________________________


During the recently televised Chinese Character Dictation Contest by CCTV-10, when the host asked the 14-year-old contestant Yu Shuang from Guizhou Province to write the word for toad(蟾蜍), the audience frowned. Yu failed as she wrote the character with one dot missing. However, among 10 adult participants offstage, only three had written the word correctly.
Meanwhile, those sitting at home also felt embarrassed during the broadcast, since on several occasions they were stumped as to how to write words that are commonly used in daily conversation.
According to a survey by Beijing-based Horizon Research Consultancy in May, up to 94.1 percent of respondents said they had encountered memory lapses(疏忽) concerning how to write certain characters while writing and 26.8 percent said such lapses were frequent.
Cell phone and computers are common devices to most urban children. A report on the lifestyle of Chinese children published by Beijing Women's Federation in July showed that mobile phones, instant messenger QQ, Weibo and tablets have become a major part of urban children's daily lives. According to the report, 52.6 percent of kids aged 4 to 6 had used the Internet. The percentage for kids aged between 7 and 9 reached 58.6 percent, and 77 percent for 10 to 12-year-olds.




1—5 ACBBD6—10 BAADB11—15 CBCDD

16. who 17. invitation 18. how 19.and 20. they
21. on 22. a 23. is coming 24.Breathing25. peacefully


26—30 CDDBA 31—35 CBCDA 36—40 ACABC 41—45 DBBAC

46—50 FBADC

基础写作:(One possible version)
A big real estate company planned to pull down an ancient building to build a residential district and a business district, so I went to interview the company and also did a survey among my classmates on their opinions on it.①The company argued that the ancient building was in extremely poor condition, due to the lack of maintenance, thus posing a threat to safety. ②Besides, building a residential district might help solve the housing problem of some residents and the business district should meet the shopping requirements of people living around. ③However, my classmates defended that the ancient building was a historical and cultural heritage as well as the symbol of civilization and wisdom. ④Therefore, it was the responsibility of the government to protect it, either by making laws or by other means to make sure of its existence. ⑤From my own perspective, it is not only the responsibility but also the duty of every one of us, including the real estate company, to protect all the historical and cultural heritages, and no excuses and reasons are acceptable.

读写任务:(One possible version)
Taking Chinese Character Dictation Contest broadcasted on CCTV as an example, the passage points out that many people now have trouble in writing Chinese characters in daily life, which may be caused by the overuse of digital devices.
Nowadays, many people often encounter the problem of spelling Chinese characters correctly, including me. I feel a bit ashamed every time I am unable to write some words, some of which are commonly used in our everyday life.
What causes this phenomenon? As is mentioned in the reading passage, the popularity of digital devices is a major contributing factor. Unlike older generations, young people today prefer typing instead of writing by hand. Besides, some wrongly-written advertising signs can be seen everywhere, which mislead people a lot.
We should attach great importance to Chinese traditional culture. First, we should call for the popularity of handwriting because Chinese characters are the most important part of Chinese culture. Opening calligraphy lessons in schools would be a meaningful method to rebuild children's interest in handwriting. Then, celebrating Chinese traditional festivals is also significant to pass on Chinese history and culture. In addition, don’t forget to protect the cultural relics around our country, which are precious heritages left by our ancestors.
