日期:2014-06-01 13:26



例;Stand over there you’ll be able to see it better.
A.or B.and C.but D.while答案是B。
1.—I’m sorry I’ve brought you too much trouble.
— _________.
A.All right B.That’s right C.That’s OK D.You’re welcome
2.— ‘‘Will hand-drawn comics give way to computer-made ?”
—‘‘Out of question.’’
A.ones;/ B.one;a C.the ones;/ D.ones;the
3.—Though I met with one difficulty after another, I to get through with it.
—Congratulations to you!
A.hoped B.managed C.tried D.wanted
4.—You look excited!
—I the expensive dictionary that I left in the library yesterday.
A.am finding B.found C.had found D.have found
5.She spoke very confidently because she wanted to make a great on her employer.
A.influence B.effort C.impression D.effect
6.—Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better.
— .
A.I’d love to B.I’m with you on that
C.It’s up to you D.It’s my pleasure

  • spokev. 说,说话,演说
  • impressionn. 印象,效果