日期:2014-05-11 11:48


专题十一 名词性从句
1.【2013·河北省五校联盟调研考试】It’s no longer a question now______man can land on the moon.
A. t[pic]hat B. which C. whether D. what
2.【2013·安徽省皖南八校高三第二次联考】Mo Yan had been awarded the 2012 Nobel prize for Literature made us very proud.
A.As B.That C.Which D.What
【解析】B考查主语从句。句意:莫言获得了2012诺贝尔文学奖使我们感到自豪。本题Mo Yan had been awarded the 2012 Nobel prize forLiterature是简单句,且不缺成分,作主语时,需要用连接词that,故选B项。
3.【2013·山西省高三第二次诊断考试】Choeyang grew up on the highland, which may explain her strong heart and bre[pic]athing ability , but really makes her stand out is perseverance.
A.that B.what C.which D.why
【解析】B考查名词性从句。句意:切阳什姐在高原长大,这一点可以解释她强壮的心脏呼吸能力,而真正让她与众不同的是她的毅力。but 后面的分句中主语是what really makes her stand out,谓语是系表结构is perseverance.;主语从句中缺主语,that 不能在句中充当成分;which 在名词性从句中只表示疑问“哪一个”,而这个句子不表示疑问,是陈述概念,所以what=the thing that,故选B。
