日期:2012-05-21 14:33
1. 表示抽象意义的“死”,通常为不可数名词。如:
Death comes to all men. 人皆有一死。
Capture means certain death. 被俘必死无疑。
Food poisoning can cause death. 食物中毒可导致死亡。
It was the anniversary of his wife’s death. 这是他妻子逝世一周年。
He was threatened with death if he refused. 如果他拒绝,他们就威胁要处死他。
She described to us how she had narrowly escaped death. 她向我们描述了她怎样九死一生逃了出来。
2. 表示具体的死亡人数等,则为可数名词。如:
A great many deaths have taken palce here lately. 这里近来死了很多人。
The earthquake has caused fifteen thousand deaths. 地震已造成15000人死亡。
When we die for the people it is a worthy death. 为人民而死,死得其所。
