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日期:2012-02-15 14:30


1. education表示教育,作为抽象名词,一般不可数。如:
He has had very little education. 他几乎没受过什么教育。
All governments spend money on education. 所有国家的政府都拨款办教育。
Television can be an excellent medium for education. 电视可以是极好的教育手段。
I would prefer a new type of education for my children. 我愿意我的孩子们受新型教育。
Impressive gains in education include a rise in literacy. 教育引人注目的收获之一是识字的人增多了。
He’s had a good education. 他受过良好的教育。
Jennie hoped to give her a good education. 珍妮希望给她良好教育。
Children get a better education today than at any time in the past. 现今孩子们受的教育比过去任何时候都好。
2. 表示接受礼物,英语用动词 accept 不用 receive, 但是表示接受教育,英语通常是用动词 receive 而不用 accept。如:
A child receives its early education at home. 幼儿在家接受早期教育。
He was fortunate enough to receive a college education. 他有幸受过大学教育。
3. 高等教育说成英语是 higher education, 而不能是 high education。如:
I wish to have the chance to receive a higher education. 我希望能有机会接受高等教育。
the younger generation 年轻一代
the older generation 老一代

  • mediumn. 媒体,方法,媒介 adj. 适中的,中等的
  • literacyn. 识字,读写能力
  • impressiveadj. 给人深刻印象的
  • fortunateadj. 幸运的,侥幸的