1. 注意以下句型:
正:It was careless of you to leave your wallet here.
正:You were careless to leave your wallet here.
以上第一句句首的 it 为形式主语,不能改为 that。但是若以上句型后面不出现不定式,那么句首的 it 也可换为 that。如:
正:It was very careless of him.
正:That’s very careless of him.
2. 比较:
正:He was careless to make the mistake. 他很粗心,结果出 了错。(句中的不定式为结果状语)
正:He was so careless as to make the mistake. (同上)
正:He was careless in typing the letter. 他打这封信时很 粗心。(句中的 in typing the letter有类似 when he was typing the letter 的意思)
误:He was careless to type the letter. (若此句视为正句,则只能理解为:他很粗心,结果把那封信打印了出来)
3. 表示不在意的、不关心的等,其后可接介词 about, of, with 等。如:
He’s careless of [about] his speech. 他讲话随便。
She is careless of [with] his health. 她不注意身体。
He is careless with his pronunciation. 他对语音不注意。
Don’t be so careless with your money. 你花钱不要这样随便。