高中课本听力北师大版模块6:Unit 17 Laughter Lesson 3(上)
日期:2011-09-01 14:43


Mr. Pickwick, his friends and his servant, Sam, Visit Mr. Wardle in the country at Christmas. "Now," Said Wardle," what do you say to an hour on the ice?" "Prime!" exclaimed Mr. Bob Sawyer. "You skate of course, Winkle?" said Wardle. "Ye-yes, oh yes," replied Mr. Winkle. "I-I-am rather out of practice." "Oh, do skate, Mr Winkle," said Arabella. "I like it so much." Oh, it is so graceful said another young lady. "I would love to," said Mr. Winkle reddening. "but I have no skates." When someone announced that there were plenty of skates, Mr. Winkle expressed delight, but suddenly looked uncomfortable. Everyone went outside to the frozen pond, and Bob Ssawyer started skating brilliantly. All this time Mr. Winkle had been putting his skates on. At last, with the assistance of Sam. Winkle was raised to his feet. "Now, Sir," said Sam," off you go." "Stop, Sam, stop," said Mr. Winkle trembling violently, and clutching hold of Sam's arms with the grasp of a drowning man. "How slippery it is, Sam!" "Not an uncommon thing upon ice, Sir," replied Sam."Now, Mr Winkle," cried Mr. Pickwick, quite unaware that there was anything the matter.
  • violentlyadv. 猛烈地,激烈地,极端地
  • unawareadj. 没有发觉的,不知道的
  • pondn. 池塘 v. 筑成池塘
  • uncomfortableadj. 不舒服的,不自在的
  • uncommonadj. 不寻常的,不凡的,罕有的
  • brilliantlyadv. 辉煌地,光亮地,灿烂地
  • gracefuladj. 优雅的
  • slipperyadj. 滑的,狡猾的,不可靠的
  • primeadj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的 n. 青春,壮
  • assistancen. 帮助,援助