高中课本听力北师大版模块6:Unit 16 Stories Lesson 3(3)
日期:2011-08-31 14:54


Children who can hear learn language easily but for a deaf child it is a slow and often painful process. But whatever the process the result is wonderful. At first, when my teacher told me something new I asked very few questions. But as my knowledge of things and my vocabulary grew, I asked more and more questions, eager for further information. I remember the morning that I first asked the meaning of the word, "love" This was before I knew many words. I had found a few flowers in the garden and brought them to my teacher. She tried to kiss me, but I pulled away as at that time, I only allowed my mother to kiss me. Miss Sullivan put her arm around me instead, and spelled into my hand," I love Helen. "What is love?" I asked, She drew me closer to her and said, "It is here." pointing to my heart. Her words puzzled my very much, because at that stage I did not understand anything unless I touched it. I smelt the flowers in her hand, and asked half in words, half in signs, a question which meant, "Is love the sweetness of flowers?" "No," said my teacher. Again I thought. The warm sun was shining on us.
  • puzzledadj. 困惑的;搞糊涂的;茫然的
  • touchedadj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为