高中课本听力北师大版模块5:Unit 15 Learning Lesson 4(中)
日期:2011-08-30 15:43


People naturally ask philosophical questions, because they are trying to understand the meaning and purpose of life. It is like watching a magic trick. We cannot understand how it is done. So we ask: how can the magician change a couple of white silk scarves into a live rabbit? A lot of people experience the world with the same disbelief, as when a magician suddenly pulls a rabbit out of a hat, which they saw earlier was empty. In the case of the rabbit, we know the magician has tricked us. What we would like to know is just how he did it. But when it comes to the world and life, it is very different. We know that the world is not all a magician's stick, because we are here in it, we are part of it. Actually, we are the white rabbit being pulled out of a hat. The only difference between us and the white rabbit is that the rabbit does not realize it is taking part in a magic trick. Unlike us, we feel we are part of something mysterious, and we would like to know how it works.
P.S. It might be better compare the white rabbit with the whole universe. We who live here are microscopic insects existing in the rabbit's fur.
  • furn. 毛皮,软毛,皮衣,毛皮制品 vt. 用毛皮制作,用
  • mysteriousadj. 神秘的,不可思议的
  • microscopicadj. 显微镜的,极小的,微观的
  • philosophicaladj. 哲学的,冷静的,哲学上的
  • disbeliefn. 不相信,怀疑
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • universen. 宇宙,万物,世界
  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉