高中课本听力北师大版模块4:Unit 11 The Media Lesson 2(3)
日期:2011-08-22 15:34


Exercise 6
Listen to the discussion between Katy and James. Which of them expresses these opinions?

Hey, Jamie, have you heard about this?


You know Janice Jones, the film star? Well, paparazi are following her all the time. Isn't it terrible?

Personally, I think that's her problem. I mean, it seems to me that if you want to be famous, you have to accept the press and the media.

I completely disagree. Everyone's got a right to some privacy, don't you think?

That's true, but if you sell your story to the press, you can't complain much.

I'm afraid you're wrong. Nobody's got the right to follow people everywhere. I mean, there are paparazzi everywhere, outside her house. It's awful. Just because she's got married for the third time.

You may be right, but I think she likes all the attention all the newspaper articles and TV programmes.

  • complainvi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉
  • disagreev. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜
  • privacyn. 隐私,隐居,秘密