高中课本听力北师大版模块2:Unit 6 Lesson 3(下)
日期:2011-08-11 15:58


Paper cuts used for decoration are often seen on windows and gates. They are usually put up during holidays to bring good luck. They are also used on presents. A present for parents whose child has recently been born, might show a paper cut of children,for example. Paper cuts which show the Chinese character for double happiness, are often used to celebrate weddings. Paper cuts used for religious purposes are often found in temples. They are also used as offerings to the dead. People to whom the dead person was related, would make these offerings on special days and during festivals. The third kind of paper cuts are those used to make patterns on clothing. They are also sometimes used to decorate jewellery boxes. Dragons are very popular patterns for these designs.The interview was very useful, as I got a lot of interesting information for my article. I was also ready to try out paper-cutting for myself. "See you next week,"I said as I waved goodbye to Mr Chen. I was going to meet him again, so that he could help me make my first paper cut!
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • relatedadj. 相关的,有亲属关系的
  • celebratev. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬
  • decoratevt. 装饰,装修,授予某人奖章或其他奖状
  • interviewn. 接见,会见,面试,面谈 vt. 接见,采访,对 .
  • decorationn. 装饰,装饰品